Legion WQ not showing in map

I’ve completed the Breaching The Tomb achievement and have moved on to getting my class mount for my character in legion. This requires an item that spawns from a legion invasion, I used the timer from wow.gameinfo/legion/invasion-timer to check when the next one would be(1hr30 minutes ago at time of writing), logged in and nothing is showing up on the map for it. I’ve relogged, reset my UI, changed my phase using WM, and removed addons, still nothing is showing up. I’ve submitted a bug report, hoping that works, but I’d like to get this done while I have the time to do so. Does anyone have a solution not mentioned here that worked for them?

I checked in game, and there doesn’t appear to be an invasion up currently.

I’m looking at the gameinfo timer, and it’s showing the next invasion at 7PM PST. (So, that would mean that the last one ended at 6:30A PST or a couple hours ago.)