I just had the World Quests open up on Legion, this is the first time I have been exposed to them in-game and was wondering, outside of the clearly advertised rewards, is there any reason to do them?
Do they contribute to or open up a new storyline or lead to a more organized and relevant purpose?
I’ve done four, two accidentally, and they seem to be on par with Bonus Objectives with no real rhythm or reason to them.
On the main map for legion zone it will show 3 “emissaries” if you do 3-4 the WQs associated with those factions you can gain reputation, which opens up stuff you can by from their vendors. After Exalted you can farm rep for “emissary cashes” which have mounts.
That’s pretty much it. They were useful for allied race unlocking, but they removed the rep requirement, so not much purpose 2 expansions later, no.
Many of the Paragon caches from Legion reputations reward mounts. I have all but two of them. Here’s one example.
There are also some toys.
Can I leave it for later?
I ask because I notice everything has a time limit on it and I am already involved in (a) completing the exploration/questing of my final zone, (b) a class order hall campaign and (c) quests for my professions, and am finding the parcelling of my attention is ruining my immersion and my adventure.
Yes, but once you level out of chromie time you will just 1 shot everything - more efficient, but also less interesting.imo
I love questing and doing WQ’s.
Do you need a half dozen bear asses and don’t know who to call? I’m your Dwarf.
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Outside of doing the emissaries for rep/legendaries(…do they even drop still?), I cannot fathom any reason to do Legion World Quests.
I am including paragon caches in rep there. I don’t think they’re worth farming either since I did get a few just by doing WQs for emissaries in Legion and got nada from them worth it. But if you’re into collectables perhaps.
Outside of that, I believe Legion WQs are entirely ignorable.
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No worries. My xp is frozen at lvl 49.
So now my MM hunter only three-shots everything
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The Legion wqs still gives just as much gold as shadowlands gold wqs. I’d say it’s worth it. Go to bfa while you’re at it… I guess?
Quick rant!!!
I addition to this stuff I already mentioned:
I am now being asked to (d) save Illidan and (e) end the invasion {with the Pillars I don’t have because they are in dungeons I can’t solo} with Archmage Khadgar.
Could these things have not all been integrated into the normal questing framwork?
The world quests are a good source of rep, if you ever intend to do balance of power on that 49 you need revered valarjar and nightfallen (nightfallen questline requires completing 10 wquests as well)
Order ressources can be traded for blood of sargeras if i remember well which can be used to make pretty much any legion profession item, but notably
Which i believe still scales decently for sub level 50?
Wquests also give bloods
The emissary caches and exalted caches are fun to open
Also worth noting that some class hidden artifact appearances require rep as well, like balance druid fire staff requires buying an item off the dreamweavers vendor which i think requires exalted
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No they don’t. Legion WQs give about 70g, compared to 250+ for SL.
The world quests of Shadowlands are a gigantic FAIL because the rewards just SUCK!!!
The Legion dungeon quests gives over 200 gold. The normal gold quests in shadowlands gives just as much.
You can just open the map and check. Not hard to do.