Legion Timewalking Vendor Not working

The timewalking vendor in Dalaran isn’t doing her duty and selling her items.You can select what you want but when it comes time to purchase, she just wont sell it. whats the deal Blizz? FIX YOUR GAME…


I am having this same problem.

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I was having the same problem. Tried transferring my TW tokens to another alt and they got “lost” in transition. Now I am out about 39,000 TW tokens. HELP!


I had the same issue when trying to transfer TW tokens. They disappear from the list but never show up on the toon I transferred to. Please fix this.

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Yep. The Time walking vender broke my game. My character is stuck in Dalaran, can’t do anything, can’t cast, can’t mount etc. And I just LOST time warp badges trying to transfer them over

Same problem here. Try to buy something, click “OK”, and nothing happens. No item in inventory, Timewarped badges not spent.