Legion timewalking not working

Legion timewalking is broken, created a new toon and rather than going down to docs to do broken shore scenario/skip it and go to dalaran theres no setup at the docs anymore and it prompts you to go to the portal room instead where u cant take the azsuna portal anyway… cant do legion timewalking.


Same issue. I got the quest and it told me to go to the mage tower and take the portal. Only problem is the portal is to Valdrakken and you can’t enter that until you’re 58.


I tried WoD as well - you go to the Alliance base - Stormshield but that’s it. No flight paths no nothing. BFA works though

So I was having the same issue. I went to Chromie and chose to pick another timeline and I picked WoD. It seemed to have fixed the issue. The quest completion changed to the NPC at harbor that let me skip the intro quests.

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Interesting - a friend figured out if you choose it from the war board it works - I tried that and it worked. So there are some work arounds. I’m just so use to running to Chromie :slight_smile:

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For the record, taking a second chromie time quest may temporarily change the wording of your Legion chromie quest, to omit reference to taking a portal from the mage tower, but critically it won’t put the npc back on the harbor, and therefore you still will not be able to start Legion.

I also had a mage (i.e., a player) port me to Dalaran but was unable to take any quests. The npc that normally greets you when you arrive, to give you a hearthstone and talent tomes, is not there. And your class hall npc will not appear or approach you.

Sadly, I think it’s a lost cause until Blizzard fixes it.

I had the same problem. The Alliance solution to getting to wod is to take the portal to stormshield, and then use a waterwalking mount or a fishing raft to get to the first quest in SMV. It’s WAY harder on Horde, where I had to take my level 12 all the way around Draenor to get to the first Horde quest in FFR.

Legion, however, hmm… It appears they are no longer giving out the first quest into Legion content that would trigger you meeting the representative of your class hall that starts your artifact questline. Instead they always give the “return to Legion” questline even if you’ve never been there before and thus have no way of getting there.

I had 2 players in Chromie time summon my leveler to a summoning stone at a dungeon. The character had the Legion quest as given by Chromie, but no quests were waiting for her in Dalaran.

Might as well just stop playing if I am going to be prevented from pretty much every type of content.

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I haven’t tried on Alliance side, but I was able to start WoD on Horde by clicking on the NPC in the lower portal room that has a dialogue option to port you to the dark portal, even though the quest tries to send you through a portal to Ashran. I would recommend trying that on Alliance side as well. That npc is usually in the lower room of the mage tower, at the base of the winding stairwell.

I share your frustration, by the way. I really would prefer to level in Legion. I’m going to go with BFA for now, and I’ll just do the class hall stuff for my alt at a later date.

The Horde NPC will not speak to me.

In any case, I find it so easy to raft from Stormshield to the beach where Velen is waiting for me that I always go that way.

It’s broken for Horde as well. I know you used to be able to take the Aszuna portal after talking to Chromie (I’ve seen Youtube videos doing it). Now you have to accept the Legion quest from the War Board in Orgrimmar after accepting the timeline change from Chromie.

Just had this happen to me too (Lvl 11 Alliance, in Stormwind). Talked to Chromie, I thought the pop-up quest was the normal “go do the Legion intro quests” but in my quest log, it was “find your way back to Legion.” The portal to Azsuna was having none of it, and my Dalaran HS wasn’t activated yet… so I came here, and saw:

So I went to the war board. Sure enough, the Broken Shore quest was there. I also picked up the Draenor intro at the same time, since I always do those ones first (gotta get the extra hearthstone toys activated!). Went back to the docks in Stormwind, and the Legion assault was doing their thing… I chose the skip to Dalaran (HS is activated now, and the NPC was stalking me for the class hall quest), ported back to SW, and the mage in the tower was happy to port me to Blasted Lands, so now I’m running through the Draenor intro just fine as well.

Chromie doesn’t seem to be giving the right quests automatically anymore, but they’re still there on the board.

Having this same issue. Created a new toon and got the “go back to the broken shore, take the portal”. Had some friends summon me and then fly me to Dalaran. The quest to start the class hall stuff never showed up ( the lock never appeared) and I couldn’t use the Dalaran hearthstone after I had been there and talked to the innkeeper. As well, I tried going back to Stormwind after and was still unable to use the portal to get back to leigon.

This is still not fixed as of today