Three dungeons in a row, we kill first boss, then, no one is able to to interact with each other. We can chat, but the rest of the party appears to be spinning in-place. We can’t teleport out of the dungeon, only option is to leave party… then get the dreaded deserter debuff. GG blizz!
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Having this problem right now. Killed the first boss of Nelth Lair, and now no one in the party can interact with anything.
Not even the Teleport out of dungeon or Leave dungeon options are working.
Can’t even exit the game through the menu!
Have to hard quit out and then I can’t log back in on the same character because “that character already exists”.
Like, WTF Blizzard??!
It’s so bad. I had it happen 3 more times since I posted this. Hotfix is needed ASAP!
Bug is caused by looting any of the bosses for some reason, just tested it on my main. Don’t loot the bosses, have it be mailed to you.