Legion Remix - What are you most looking forward to?

Cool, you still aren’t getting handouts.

Hopefully those towers will be a great way to grind Marks of Honor again. Always made sure to hit them up when Legion was current.


I already have all of the appearances.

Since they were handouts.


The 4 mounts I’m missing despite thousands of runs.

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I guess you don’t need them then.

everything im missing, mounts, titles, achievements, everything must be done, otherwise whats the point of a remix

Yeah, don’t return the old mage tower weapons, but it would be cool to have a limited timed mage tower to complete in remix for new colours for our current artifacts.

Getting lots and lots of mounts.

I didn’t really like Legion as much as everyone else did. Got bored with it early on and popped in at times. So probably none of it.

I’d be a bit pissed off if they sold the class hall mounts considering how hard they were to get. I’ve got five and they took me months of grinding.

That clown needs to go.

I meant more like you had to do the class hall quests all over again to get recolors of the class mounts that would be class locked, not that they would be on a vender to buy outright.

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Hope its WoD instead. Remix doesn’t suit Legion.

Wasn’t a huge fan of Remix Pandaria in general. Feels like putting out a whole xpac out at a yard sale, now nobody needs/wants to go do anything in Pandaria any more now.

So I’d be fine if there wasn’t another remix, but its easily churned out low-effort content, so it’s almost guaranteed.

Really…really hoping for some nice Fel themed Hunter armor mogs.

Maw of Souls, probably lol.

I remember that was the shortest dungeon, and people spammed the hell out of it for artifact power.