Legion Remix - What are you most looking forward to?

Unfortunately if we use mop as a baseline, m+ and mage tower won’t be returning.

I hope they change that stance though.

I could see mage tower coming back for legion remix with new rewards since mage tower still exists.

There is no current challenge mode yknow.

And mage tower probably more fondly remembered than challenge mode.

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Is it really in the works or speculation? I loved Panda land remix, so any remix would be welcome.


My main account has all 36 mage tower skins.
They should not come back.


My 2nd account would benefit from them coming back…

Still they should not come back.

Mage Tower Weapons.

More HD Hippogryph Mounts.

More Argus Mounts like Fel Elekks and more.

More Unique Mounts in general.

Fel Nightborne Transmog.

Nightfallen Transmog.

Tyrande’s Transmog.

Illidan Transmog.

Gul’dan Transmog.

Elisande Transmog.

Kil’jaeden Transmog.

More Eredar Transmog.

More Draenei Transmog.

More Night Elven Transmog of the Ancient Highborne.

Night Elf Warden Original.

Night Elf Archer Original.

Khadgar Transmog.

Alleria Windrunner Transmog.

Turalyon Transmog.

Rework of the Broken Shore to look more like the Tomb of Sargeras in Warcraft 3.

Naga Transmog.

More Warlock Demon Pets Customization Options and more playable options.

Rework of the Death Knight Undead Units in HD.

Rework of the Forsaken Props from BFA into Legion.

Rework of the Gilneas Props into Legion from BFA/DF.

Rework of the General Overhaul of the Night Elf Buildings in Val’sharah.

Rework of Naga Forces Props and Mobs all.

Rework of High and Blood Elf Props for the Suramar Siege.

Rework of the Furbolgs in Legion.

Bring back the Fel legion invasion outfits event.

More Ice and Snow in Highmountain.

Rework of the story writing for the Class Order Halls like the Hunters for example.

Bring back the Mop Challenge Sets in the Class Order Halls.

A Order Hall for Dracthyr Evokers.


Remixed mounts and class sets with their new colors.

The bottom line is, something I actually want to do. I haven’t had much interest in the extra game modes since Pan Remix.

Yep. This. I did not log in during Legion, and I missed literally all of it. I’ve gone back to do a lot of the storyline and gather all of the pets and do a bunch of things…but it isn’t the same.

I’m looking forward to it.

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As someone who was not around for legion, the class hall titles and mounts. I have gotten the Mage and Monk (my two favorite toons) but it’s hard to find time between content on Live, and going back to do old content.

Slowly I’d get them anyways, but it will take me a long time at this rate.

Pumping my artifact weapon to insane levels and exploding anything I hit.

wonders if I’ll be able to use an Underlight Angler as my empowered artifact weapon

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the only thing I want from legion is that pink look for the crystals mount - I just couldn’t bring myself to do that more than a couple of times.

Speculation. If you look at the 2025 Roadmap for this expac, the bar goes a fel green. possibly “hinting” at the legions return or something. and considering that story line is for the most part “finished”, it is heavily speculated that we may be getting a remix of legion at the end of the year. Like MoP remix.

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A few things I HOPE will happen:

Recolor of the MT appearances. Don’t give us the old ones like you didn’t for the MoP remix, but give us good recolors. I would love some new flails.

usable artifact weapons again. I miss them a bit, especially as a tank and needing a shield, the seemingly rarest drop I can ever get…

New recolor hopefully for the argus set. Love that set.

I think what I want is legion content for evokers. mage tower, campaign, some kind of class hall, and a class mount.

Can’t wait for the forums reaction if it doesn’t happen and it turns out to be something else entirely, like BC remix.

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They didn’t bring CMG armors in MOP Remix, don’t expect them to hand out Artifact aperances in Legion Remix.

Hoping they up the character limit next time, because I leveled a lot of alts in Panda Remix, so I’m kind of out of space. I’ll delete a few lesser alts if I HAVE to, so I can level through it though.

That said, mounts and mogs, more more more. :smiley:

Hoping for weapons on a vendor and battle pets as well. Would love for more unique colors for mounts, mogs, weapons and pets as well, not just a simple recolor, but something like shadow, fel, fire, mech etc, unlikely, but a guy can dream.

Definitely expect them to add new appearances for the Artifact Weapons and maybe recolors of the Tier sets.

Speculation that has been encouraged (19m mark)

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