Legion questing retconned

shandris, we sealed up suramar to keep the pillars of creation free from azsharas grasp

so all the pillars of creation were in suramar, they were never in azuna or stormheim, nope they were in suramar


I think it is just her bias showing here. It is pretty much elf-like to do so anyway.


The Pillars of Creation are stated to have sealed the Legion Portal in Suramar. Of course the Pillars were in Suramar first!

As for how the Tidestone got to Azsuna: Azshara already blew up the Tidestone by the time the shield went up. The Nightborne probably realized they had to keep Azshara from the rest of the Pillars of Creation the moment that happened!

The notion that Odyn was able to swipe the Aegis of Aggramar beneath everyone’s nose is unsurprising considering he is an ancient Titan Keeper capable of hiding everywhere(he probably swiped the Hammer as well before giving it to Huln Highmountain).

The Tears of Elune ending up in Val’Sharah is now suspicious as it could have only got there if the Legion brought it with them.


Technically, you need all of the pillars to open the big portal. Protecting one of them, the Eye of Aman’thul, accomplishes the overall goal.

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sure, but they use it in a plural sense, which mean more than just the eye

The nightborne had multiple pillars which they used and then lost somehow the rest other than the eye its not a retcon


Nonsense. At the time when Suramar’s shield was put up, Azshara and the Legion were not separate threats.

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So it seems clear that the Tears of Elune were in the hands of the Legion before being brought to Val’Sharah…

Malfurion’s statements already revealed that our visit to Val’Sharah was his first visit since the Sundering.

It’s also stated by Khadgar that he supposedly took care of the Legion threat in Val’Sharah before we got there so that we could claim the Pillar of Creation which obviously means that he seized the Tears from the Legion and handed it over to Cenarius.

The Nightborne at the least had the Tears of Elune and Eye of Aman’Thul when the shield went up. Naturally the Tears were handed over to the Legion invaders of Val’Sharah who were pushed back by Malfurion and Cenarius who claimed the Tears before the Legion through Xavius had stole it again.

She probably means during the WotA. Back then, all of the Pillars were inside Suramar, in the Vault of Antiquities, according to Chronicle, before being gradually lost over the ensuing millenia. How the Nightborne managed to lose them through a nigh impenetrable barrier, though…

Except the Tidestone, which Azshara broke near the start of the WotA.


When your race is built on arcane magic and teleportation technology losing stuff here and there isn’t that unbelievable.


There is also the fact that the nature of the Pillars means that traditional magic may have made it difficult to keep them locked up. There is nothing to say that the pillars cant relocate on their own.

As for the obvious ones, I could see Elune being directly involved in relocating the Tears. It seems to have a strong tie to her. Deathwing probably stole the Hammer before the shields went up. As for Odyn, again, I can see him easily calling the Shield to himself since as the top watcher he probably knew the nature of the Pillars better than most.

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Good lord, they can’t keep their own lore from the previous expac straight.


Normally I’d be inclined to agree but they directly stated multiple times why they sealed off the city and it makes me inclined to think this is the Nightborne being typical elvish vain blowhards about what happened. Better to sound like heroes than to admit you sealed off your city to protect yourselves and left everyone outside to die.


At this rate, you’re doing a better job of presenting than story than Blizz tbh.

Given how Occulus is… Occulus, I believe this 100%. I can see him trying to teleport a Pillar just to see if he could.

“It worked! It really worked!”

“Yea, but wear did the Aegis go?”

“I don’t know, but it worked!!!


He really is the greatest gift Legion gave the Horde. Its own good natured lunatic genius.

“A mana storm would do the trick”
“Are you insane?!?”
“Yes, but it would work”


We should started an Occuleth Apreciation post. Maybe someone in reddit did it already :thinking:


Writing team has vapor for brains.


Playable murlocs c0nf1rmed

Of course she’s going to paint her own people in the best possible light. Everyone is the hero of their own story.

Well, except for Horde PCs.