Legion: Power Ascended Achievement


I am trying to unlock Feathermane training on a Hunter. I’ve done the Order Hall campaign and the mount campaign.

I’ve unlocked/upgraded all the weapons and received “Power Unleashed.”

But I can’t seem to figure out how to progress, since the Lore person is telling me we aren’t upgrading traits anymore.

Pan still won’t sell me anything. Is this bugged?

Power Ascended doesn’t block access to the Class Hall stuff. (I can’t remember if it’s no longer required or if you automatically get credit for it when you get the artifact these days, but either way, it’s not your issue.)

Have you completed the Breaching the Tomb achievement on the Broken Shore and done the quest for the Hunter mount? Those are also requirements to get access to the Feathermane training tome.

Edit: Here’s a guide for the class hall mounts:

Thanks for the reply!

I did do the Tomb — It turns out I was taking to the wrong version of the vendor.

Silly me!