Legion Order Hall Recruits Not Contributing

The packs of imps and druids of the claw are working for me. It is the Argus minions that no longer have any effect, which means progress stops cold at that point, as there is no way to complete the Argus missions without functioning Argus followers.

I also noticed that after you pop a follower into a mission they are no longer darkened until the mission is started.

Just checking- are the imps and druids youā€™re using that are working ones you already had before 9.1? Itā€™s only troops that were trained after the patch that are spawning with no abilities (and thus no bonus).

I canā€™t check it. I donā€™t have multiple characters around that point. But itā€™s possible thatā€™s correct.

Yeah all my characters are suffering from this. Legion, BFA specific table troops are just not working if recruited after the 9.1 patch. They offer nothing and are grey. Trying to do certain missions is next to impossible with it like this. Especially Legion content where the Krokul Ridgestalkers are needed.

Bump. So what happens to these tickets when they get no response? I went through the forums and saw hundreds of issues that get no comment.

Itā€™s fixed now.

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Iā€™m about to go check if it is, because my mage and my druid both encounter this regarding legion - and also BfA.

In fact Iā€™m looking at this thread because I contributed a handful of comments to another thread JUST LIKE IT.

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Thank you! I hadnā€™t checked in a while