When Legion was first introduced I was only interested in following the Paladin and Mage Questlines. I worked hard and gained the mounts for both.
Now years later I looked back at Legion and decided that I wanted others mounts.
My problem: The druid legion mount requires you to gain all four weapons for all classes of druid, but the start for the claws of the Bear Tank can not be started because there is no apparent access to the Tal’Andu Barrow to talk to the Mistress of the Claw.
I’m really stuck,… the Barrow is labeled on the Map but is not there when I get there.
I considered that it might be a time issue since both the character (druid) and Legion were last used by me years ago - so I went to do a time jump at the person in Arathi,… but that didn’t work.
I have the cat claws and the guardian Sythe (sp) but I continue to be stuck on the bear claws.
Should I max the druid out first? She sits in the low fifties.
Maxing will do nothing by itself.
Two things are possible, AFAICS.
One is that you just have gone to the wrong place to enter the Barrow. I don’t think that is likely, but let’s check. Here’s a video:
The other is that another quest that you have has phased you. I see comments on this quest about other people that has happened to. For example:
If this is what’s happening, complete or clear out any other quests you have that could be interfering.
P.S. ifthat doesn’t work
When I look at your progress in Val’sharah
I do see a lot of outstanding quests in Val’sharah. It seems unlikely if you already have the other two artifacts, but it might be worth checking any main questlines not completed.
THAnk you,… tHAT WAS IT,… I went to the marker, not the Entrance. The Directions on the map just showed the marker. I’m so silly.
Thank you again!