Legion legendaries, what activities to get them?

Wakening Essence and the Legion legendary vendor are leaving in the pre-patch. The legendary powers are being deactivated, as well.

I’d planned on collecting (in my void storage) all the legendaries. But it’s been a while since I played Legion. I’ve been doing WQ for a month now, and haven’t received any from Emissary or Paragon chests.

So, what activities should I be doing (going forward) to pick up all the legendaries?

Kill every WQ elite, loot every chest, every world boss, and the last time I was on the PTR the Elf who sells them is still hammering away with the items in his sell list.

I’m desperately grinding away at WQ and missions that award Wakening Essence. I will have to do Legacy raids and dungeons…

Have you also been doing your mission board? When the Command Center is up, you can get 250 Wakening Essences from one of the missions.

Do all the raids on every difficulty. Every raid boss has a chance to drop a legendary, and the chance increases whenever you don’t get one (bad luck protection). There’s an NPC in Dalaran near the violet hold that allows you to do the raids on LFR difficulty.

Do the assaults/invasions on Argus, and clear all the raids.

I use the mission table for WE, reputation, blood of sargeras, and primal sargerite, in that order. Sometimes pet tokens (I think the 1k pet mirror is missing from my collection).

Also I like to know your source on this, I logged on just now on the PTR the vendor Acranomancer Vridiel is still there with Legendary items for sale, and World Quests in Argus are still awarding Wakening Essence. Did you check with a max level character or a lower level? They don’t show up for non-max level characters on PTR.


I could swear I saw that. If the Arcanomancer V. still will sell them (per wowhead 12 days ago), I would be VERY happy.

Link below is to comments. I had trouble getting the link.

Okay I went to the link and the second sentence says this:

Edit : Legendaries are still sold by the Legion Legendary vendor Arcanomancer Vridiel.

what does it matter if he is still there if legendaries don’t work for any character at any level? lol

Transmog appearances. Sure they aren’t unique appearances, but its a second chance at getting them if you can’t get the drops elsewhere.

rofl, please grasp at straws more

For me, it’s having them in my void storage.

My main has the BoA Pandaren treasures and Archaeology gear, the void merchant (non-xmog) gear, and the WoD BoA armor, plus about half of the DK Legion legendaries. If I could toss my three artifacts in there, I would.

No idea what is in my alts’ void storage…

So legendaries are no longer good for timewalking events?

Nope, because they’re rolling the abilities into the unpruning (I think).

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