Legion Leatherworking Stuck at 86

How am I supposed to level up my alt’s Legion leatherworking?

I’m at skill level 86, all my recipes are grayed out. I don’t have the Suramar or Argus recipes. But the Suramar ones are already grey and i can’t get the Argus until i’m skill level 100.

At the moment i only get skill ups when i do a leatherworking world quest. So at this rate i get a skill up once every two weeks or so.

This doesn’t feel like it’s working as intended.

I can provide screenshots of my profession ui if requested.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: oh farts, i posted this using the wrong character. i can’t change it.

Legion profession design included quest lines which unlocked relevant recipes. See:

Do ensure low-level quests are visible on your mini map. I’d work down the list, visiting relevant NPCs. Keep in mind some quests involve dungeoneering.

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One of the most important thing to remember about the new “3-star” recipe system is that higher ranks of recipes have a longer skill-up range. By skill 86/100 you will definitely need at least rank 2 and probably rank 3 of Suramar recipes to get any further. The best one to choose will depend on which mats you have the most of and which recipes upgrades you can reasonably acquire.

Note also that as far as we have been informed, they are returning the +5 skillups from the Darkmoon Faire next time it rolls around, applied to your lowest uncapped tier, so if the character in question has all the previous expansions maxed it may be able to get 5 points very cheaply.

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thank you, but i’ve done all the low level quests, before they changed the system, and i do have trivial quests tracked. the quest giver has nothing for me.

Legion WQ’s
Darkmoon Fair (8.1 now gives you a skill up to your latest, not-maxed prof)

Start working on getting the suramar recipes. Yes, rank 1 stuff is gray but rank 2 and 3 won’t be. You don’t need leatherworking level 100 to learn those, you need to be character level 100+.

So I am having the same issue, however I have done all the quests, I have all the patterns (+green fiendish items and plenty of 2 and 3 star items) and I did the Darkmoon Faire, however the faire only gives you +5 to Kul Tiran LW, and not legion. I have made over 100 Fiendish items 50 or more of the 2 and 3 stars, and still get the last point to hit 100…

What else can be done to get the last point? If I just need to keep crafting until it pops, so be it, any advice welcomed…

Do you have rank 3 of the Dreadleather or Gravenscale items? Those are orange until 100. Personally I usually get the belt recipes from Strap Bucklebolt in Dalaran Sewers.

If you are low on Blood of Sargeras, there are a few recipes in certain heroic dungeons that upgrade the hand and wrist items. Of course, they require 7-10 times the amount of leather/scales as are used in the other recipes.

Finally, the Darkmoon Fair only gives skill to your highest unlocked and unfilled level of a profession. Once you finish BfA leatherworking, it will give points for Legion and so on.