Legion: Issues with getting flagged PvP for no reason

I’m trying to continue on with the legion class hall on my Mage, and I’m in Val’Sharah doing world quests so I can complete The Might of Tirisgarde. For some reason I keep getting flagged as PVP. I checked the map and I don’t see any Horde cities… so this shouldn’t be happening. I always keep world pvp turned OFF and PVP set to disabled. Is Val’sharah now a pvp zone? when was that changed? I played Val’sharah before and it was never a pvp zone before. Can you please do something? I should not be flagged as PVP.

This is the quest to do 10 World Quests. So, which World Quests are you attempting?

No, but each Legion zone has one PvP quest, usually centered around a tower where you kill a percentage of mobs, then the leader at the top. Val’sharah also can have a PvP Free For All quest at Black Rook Hold.

If you are entering the area of a PvP World Quest, you are automatically flagged. There should be a warning message, and a 5-10 second wait before you get flagged, so you can leave the area. Staying means you are flagged.


There is an area in each zone where a Warden Tower stands. If you get in that area, you’ll automatically flag up.

If you’re in the area of the dots, you will flag up.

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