Currently they all require 3 people to finish, this content is so old, I’m sitting around waiting for others. These should be solo queue.
I have been pushing for this for years. Without waiting the entire 5+ Hours if you start and finish the quests early to unlock access to the queue you then have to either patiently wait for 2 other like minded people to do the same and make the 3 man queue pop or wait the entire time of the invasion doing other things whilst still in the same queue and never get it to pop. I have been in that scenario many a time and gave up after the queu timer went past 3 hours since I wanted to change characters.
It not being Solo Queue at this point is quite the sad oversight It lasts less than 3 minutes if that depending on the one you get so why keep it the way it is. Solo Queue only opens the Door for it and gives more people more attempts per week to get the transmog items they a missing for me its 5 3 weapons and those 2 sexy shields. I do hope others here are on a like minded consensus on this matter since I see 0 drawbacks to it. They can add a group queue to it for premade groups like they have for other scenario type events and let the rest of us solo it out on our alt armies until we complete what we should have gotten years ago.