Legion intro phasing issue since 8.3.7

All my characters seem to be locked to the legion intro phasing and despite doing it beforehand and skipping it, they seem to be stuck like this. It’s been like this since 8.3.7


Still having the issue. It’s entirely centered around the harbor. It’s acting like I never skipped the intro or completed the legion broken shore intro.

Still happening even after reset. There’s no way to get out of this phasing issue. I think it’s related to whether or not I participated in the pre-invasion of legion because some of my characters don’t have this issue that I did do the questline on.

are you talking about the Stormwind harbour?

there are various quests which would phase the area.
have you tried walking into Stormwind Keep?

have you enabled tracking for trivial quests?

Yes, stormwind harbor. I have the quest completed for the cloak, I have the intro of BFA done, I did the intro to legion it’s just classifying me as not completed them (the legion intro that is because I can do everything that led up to the broken shore scenario)

Also I turned trivial quests on and there’s no quest there.

if you chose to skip the intro, you can still go back and do it, so it’s no shock that the quests are still there.

did you go into the Keep to see if it triggered anything?

it could be something as far back as a Cataclysm quest causing phasing.

I did, I just went to dalaran like… 2 minutes ago, re-acquired the quest and skipped it, went back to check again and it’s still got me phased to the broken shore intro. This really only popped up in 8.3.7

I am actually having the same exact issue and it is very frustrating for me. It’s phasing me out of other quests and preventing the transportation ships from showing up. I also can not go into the throne room without getting phased out from other players, so when Horde comes kill the faction leader I can’t help others fight back, and I love those battles so I am a little pissed off.


same here cant find any of the quest to get rid of it . got to love the bfa bugges

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I’m bumping this because I have this issue as well. Multiples of my alts are stuck in a mixture of both the BfA and Legion starting experience on both factions.

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Same issue but for Horde. When I go outside to Durotar I get phased into the legion broken shore scenario.