So, I’m running through Legion content trying to get my Legion Class Mount for my Warlock and was wondering, am I going to be able to finish this and get the mount? I’m trying to use WoWhead guides but afraid that I may run into a snag if some of the content is no longer available. I have been watching broken shore and haven’t seen any Legion assaults happening for about a week, is this content still active? or… please let me know…anyone…
The Assaults don’t take place on the Broken Shore, but in the 4 questing zones of the Broken Isles. They spawn every 18 hours, approximately, and I believe they last for about 6 hours.
The next assault starts at 10:30 EST tonight, 5:00PM Tomorrow, and 11:30AM Wednesday.
oh awesome, thanks!
There’s a few sites that offer timers for the Legion invasions; WoWhead’s one of them, though you have to click the “Legion” option on the daily info tracker. A search for “Legion invasion timer” will bring up several.
Legion invasions are still a really good boost for any alt leveling through that expac, too. : D