Legion Class Order Hall Mounts - Can the Spec restrictions be removed?

Would be cool if all classes could gain access to all 3 color variants of their Legion Class Order Hall Mounts.

DKs for example, Unholy DKs can only use the Green Version, etc…


This is just not true. My Paladin can use any of the Highlord Chargers.

The mounts are just “themed” around a particular spec. They were never restricted to it.

The dk one is tho. If I remember, they get one mount, that changes appearance based on spec.

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Why the heck do they get that treatment compared to every other class? Whack.

I have no idea. When legion was live, I always used the icc achievement one cause even with it being old then, it looked better.

It’s the same with shaman. Some classes got one mount that changes color when you change specs, other classes got 3 mounts.


Only Blizzard knows…

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Paladin likely got their mounts split because their three specs don’t have a distinct theme/color compared to DK/Mage/Shaman/Priest. Rogues also can get the three tints likely for the same reason.