Legion class mounts

I’ve spent enough time in shadowlands with my various characters. Normally I mess around and jump from one character to another. I have a bunch of 60ish characters and I want to get class mount on one. The classes I play the most are this lock a death knight a hunter and a demon hunter. What one should I go for? I like these classes evenly. Are the mount all the same as far as difficulty or are there easier ones?

with the deathknight you get one but it will change on the spec you play as

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Of the 3, the Warlock class mount is the best.


The quests to get the mounts are amazing for some classes. Standouts for me were:

  1. DK (chocked full with lore)
  2. Hunter (you actually engage IN a hunt, amazing)
  3. Rogue ( a lot of people hated it, because you had to enage in PVP. I have no idea how that one goes in the times of War Mode to be completely honest. I did it as soon as it was available, on a raid night to avoid big crowds in the cities)

The Paladin one is very cool but requires some Suramar questing, Warlock required an invasion I believe? Shaman, Warrior and DH were fun but very short. Mage was insanely underwhelming, much like their entire order hall class quest. Priest was good, as was druid.

The harder ones at this point probably warlock, paladin and rogue.

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Of the ones I’ve done, I enjoyed the warlock, Hunter, and Monk were the most fun to do. Warlock and Hunter have 3 different mounts to collect though, and Paladin has 4 or 5. They all count towards your mount count achievements too. Make sure to do them all

also with the paladin and lock you had to go back to where you would get the mounts in classic
paladins had to go to the undead side of this city need to be purge
and locks need to go to the place they got their epic mounts
if memory serves

Yeah, for the Rogue have to sneak into the other faction capitol city and kill an auctioneer with all those players standing right there doing business. Not an easy task.

Death knight class mount best class mount. Can’t change my mind on that. I don’t like the hunter one personally and the warlock ones are good. The better one drops off a rare in Broken Shore. Demon hunter mount is also pretty cool but I don’t remember the questline for it at all.

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Out of the classes you play

Lock: Looks nice, and has a simple design. Flying horses are good ‘everyday’ mounts. You get recolors from a rare or with order hall resources, so it’s 3 mounts in 1, regardless of spec.

DK: Cool, big dragon. Changes depending on our spec. Cumbersome for ground movement, but great for flight. You can also get a matching pet mini-dragon with order hall resources.

Hunter: Ugly. Just… wth. It’s like a chimera, but with a wolf head. I guess it matches if you play orc or human. You also get 3 colors of it, so that’s a bonus. The best thing about this questline is that you then also unlock taming Feathermanes, like Larions and Owlsteeds.

DH: Cool, and lore heavy, but very tall. You get stuck in doors very often. It also runs awkward with an up-and-down jerky motion, definitely better for flight.

The class mount I personally use most is actually the one I liked least when it came out: mage’s. It has such a simple design that I didn’t appreciate how convenient it was until I got to use it. We need more simple, yet elegant mounts.

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I got the DK one not too long ago, and I must say that the cinematic at the end of the questline was very cool. Oh, the mount is cool, too.

The warlock one has three different color variations that you can pick and choose from on any spec. (Some class mount colors are spec-specific.)

not so bad these days.

And for org you can play it slick.

drop in off a higher structure, then die to something as you sneak/crawl to the AH target. ghost walk it back…put the pain on AH target fast and hard and to drop. Die again and rez sickness out.

My run I got right next to the target on that first death. Ghost walked backed and jsut loaded up and wailed on her.

Nice thing about edit MG coming from Asia/OCE…less people there since not US primetime.

Well, that’s one class mount I won’t ever be getting … /grumble

Piping up to agree. I have experience earning the Paladin and Hunter class mounts.

I may be biased, as my main has always been a hunter in this game, but I agree with Wulm 100%: the quest for the hunter was so class-appropriate that I use it as an example when I’m complaining… “See? They know HOW to do good content! Let them do it again!”

Plus the ending scene before your reward… is almost the reward itself.

I really enjoyed the hunter mount line… and I don’t even like the mounts themselves that much. Kinda ugly.


DK has the best quest chain, but you might as well just do them all. No reason not to.

As level 60 you’ll just be able to push aside threats easily.

After fiddling around with the classes I got it narrowed down to either lvling and getting the class mount with either a Druid or demon hunter. They both seem cool. After getting the oneI end up picking I plan to do shadowlands and legion back and forth so I don’t burn out in either. So now I just have to pick what one, the Druid or demon hunter.

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