Legion Artifacts Squished Too Low

Why is being 10 ilvls above looms broken?

Because once you hit 50 and leave Chromie time, legion is level 40 - 45. The item should be in that range, which would put it at a MAXIMUM of iLvL 54.

Ok so put relics in the artifact weapon since that is literally how it’s power increase works.

Who are you even responding to now? As that’s irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

I really can’t even tell what your problem is with the artifact tbh.

Here maybe you’ll understand this post I responded to in the Bug Report forums.


I c, so your issue is more of the relics in some pieces having an inflated ilvl after hitting max then?

And the fact that a LEGION weapon shouldn’t even remotely be usable at 50. It wasn’t prior to the pre-patch, and it shouldn’t be post Chromie time either.

I mean I feel like even at the high end of the ilvl for the weapon it’s replaced rather quickly even at max, does having another weapon choice in the form of the artifact which was the primary focus of a previous expansion really negatively impact things?

This has occurred all throughout expansions, where previous items could be relatively strong, even early hitting max level, AQ trinkets. BC set bonus’s, could be used effectively multiple expansions later, as could trinkets in cata, like cunning of the cruel, many instances of items from previous expansions being very much usable at max for a short period, so legions artifacts, the entire bases of that expansion falling into that niche category isn’t that out of place.

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To me it’s more of a it wasn’t this way prior to the pre-patch. The max iLvL of a legion item in BFA was 265 and when you hit 120 your heirlooms were at 280 if I remember correctly. This just makes no sense to me, as items from prior expansions shouldn’t suddenly be relevant at 50 (are there other items like this?)

And yes iLvL 68 is higher than even the benthic catch up gear you get from Nazjatar which was 385 pre-patch, and now is iLvL 66. Scaling is just odd and all over the place. 280 is now 58, 370 is 60, 385 is 66, and 475 is now 130, what the heck? So that Artifact I have in my rogue’s bank which is iLvl 84 is somewhere in the level of Heroic Eternal Palace / LFR Nyaloth? Yeah that TOTALLY makes sense.

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I think - as other people have said - the issue isn’t so much about “grin and bear it” as it is “this feels like it’s broken.” If Blizzard came out and said that some ability that rogues or death knights had was just supposed to work a way that we didn’t like, that’s something we’d have to grin and bear.

This doesn’t feel like that.

This feels like it’s broken. You get a weapon that’s supposed to be some powerful artifact (I noticed this with Talonstrike, which is supposed to be some thing of legend, and people literally died helping me get it) that is weaker than anything you may have had. It’s literally weaker than anything in that particular expansion. This hits especially hard if you’re a melee character, in that you don’t hit hard (ha).

The solution is to quest (which, really, would you be okay if everything after Exile’s Reach was like that? You had to quest to get an appropriately leveled weapon in Borean Tundra or Vashj’ir or Gorgrond, while everything else you got was caling with you?). You quest, and after a few quest chains, you can get something that…that won’t even bring your weapon up to your current level. You’d need two relics to bring it a bit over par.

Does that feel like it’s something they wanted to happen? Especially since you can work the system to get an item stronger than most of the stuff you get in current content, until you hit the cap? I’m not saying it’s not convenient if you can do it, I’m asking “Does this feel like they had this in mind?”

And I guess briefly going back to the story you mentioned? That’s the thing. It’s not some “cool old weapon”. It’s supposed to something beyond legendary. I’m not being hyperbolic, “artifact” I think ranks above “legendary”. This is Scepter of Sargeras. This is a mace created by Azshara with the waters of the Well of Eternity. Fragments of Frostmourne. The Scythe of Elune.

Your reaction to getting them shouldn’t be “…this is a weak weapon”.

The Scepter of Sargeras should probably not be a ‘fixer-upper’, is what I’m getting at.

It feels wrong. It feels like it undermines core points of the expansion. That’s the issue I have.


I had gotten one of my artifact weapons on my DH today and found that the Heirloom weapon is stronger than the artifact one. So I use heirloom gear and enchant them.


The whole thing is buggy as heck.


You made me check my Legion Mage because I suddenly realized his artifact is probably really strong now!

Yup, level 70, stronger than all the questing gear and weapon I received getting him to max level in BFA.

Leveling a 50 going into SL you’re going to wish you had at least ilvl 100. You’re not going to want to pay gold, low mythic carries or do BFA content to bridge the gap, so fresh 50s coming out at ilvl 50s is not where you want to set the bar for complaining about anything else being “too high” when what they are is a couple of weeks too low.
WQ are giving out ilvl 100 and the prepatch event ilvl 105 for a reason.

My complaint isn’t about the artifact being too high, it’s primarily that is was squished too low.

It’s weird, but the best thing you can do to do Legion content is use your heirloom weapons…


Legion artifact is fine, on one of my Alts i’t ilevel 71 right now and perfectly ok to use going into shadowlands. That in my opinion isn’t squished too low but made able to get too high. It should only be usable for the start of BFA content and not close to earlier BFA raids ilevel.

Legion artifacts ilvls go up based off the relic ilvl you put in it.

Fully aware, my frustration was having artifact weapons acquired before the pre-patch squished down to level 20, after having already even reached level 104 and doing some question in Legion content.

I was then continuing to quest and discovered I was much weaker than before, and realized it was because my weapon was level 20 while my character. Weapons in my bag, including a mining pick from WoD was stronger. So I ended up using weapons from previous expansions and ended up just switching to the BFA intro quest where I was quickly given a level appropriate weapon.

A bit strange to find I was better off doing other expansions, even older ones, to be on par weapon-wise with the mobs in Legion.