Legion artifact Tmog weapon a for Demo Warlock bug

since the patch hit my warlock now has two floating heads from the Legion artifact demo lock, one acts normal, while the other floating head is larger, and in orbit around my character doing its idle emotes non-stop… I switched through several of the demo lock artifact weapon appearances and all the appearances from Legion mage tower to startering Legion Demo lock artifact weapon have the same graphic bug


hopefully this gets fixed soon it looks awful lol

it does…I had to switch tmog lol

Still bugged as of this reset.

looks soooo weird, wil lthey ever fix it? and also the affliction one sometimes bugs and i have one on my waist and one on my back lol

Yeah, still bugged in TWW.

Surprised this is still bugged. Submitted a bug report in game.

Still bugged…I wouldn’t mind it so much if the other head wasn’t spazzing outa and off to the side!

This is a really bad bug, will this ever be fixed?

Still bugged, double skull. Worked hard for that Mage Tower appearance. Would love to use it…

It is still bugged. Been bugged for a long time…