There is not much to talk about this, the title says it all. Since I had to start a brand new account on US region , I was forced to plays from begin, with one boost that you get when you buy the game . For some reason even its the same email address, same client bla bla …blizzard smart employees cant manage to transfer at least my main to US server ( God forbit you damage their in game economy) . They have really nice excuse for this :" It not possible at all to transfer you character since EU and US are not connected, and are completely two different worlds. "
Now only progress that I make is current one, while Draenor and Legion content is still untouched. And I was asking myself is it worth the months and months insane gridding for those two pathfinders. Again I have to thank Blizzard employees for their amazing job by not be bale to make copy paste. Thank you guys
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I would say not at all worth doing if you do not already have it. Flight paths should cover you for any random reasons you might need to be in those zones.
If you want to be a completionist then sure go for it.
No. Not worth it. There are better things to do, even other games out there you could be spending that time on.
thank you for your advice … I know it takes a freaking long time to do both of these so I was asking myself is it worth just to be bale to fly in zones where I will not be on daily basis
If you are going to be leveling your alts there or farming stuff for the future definately
I did not find it worth doing even when those were current. Too much jumping through hoops. Feh on that.
Well we gain double legion rep now and timewalking events and such can be an easy method to complete the grinds.
I would say practically speaking its not really worth it. Only value you would get from it would be for alts. But since you are forced to start completely over. Years of previous play goes out the window.
Why put yourself through the headache poster if starting over.
Did you move to the states from Europe? Why did you have to make a new account?
When the expacs where current you obtained most of the pathfinder bits just by regular daily play over the months.
The main reason getting them took so long was due to timegating by blizz.
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Ehh now that the timegatings gone. You could probably get both at level 120 in a little over a month. Especially if a timewalking event is up for the rep tokens.
And collecting x treasures you could have another person fly you around to make it easy.
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Most zones are also incredibly linear so the flying isn’t going to help out too much since flight paths are not only faster, but you should probably utilize your hearthstone anyway for trips back (mainly looking at high mountain). The only zones that flying is super useful in are Valsharah and the START of stormheim.
I move from Europe to states and they couldn’t transfer any of my characters from that account to this one. Even its the same email, literally everything same just before I click play on launcher I chose wow us1 And they wanna make me believe that its not possible to move a character
The real question is, is WoW worth the time?
And the answer is no
Should be grandfathered in when the next expansion comes to pass, but whatever. “Ion knows best.”
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You should do it if:
- You plan to level more than 1 character (short term)
- You want the acheesmo
Although you should consider holding off, at least for WoD, as the requirement might be removed since the content is pretty old now. MoP removed the flight training license / requirement so it’s a possibility this will happen for WoD. It may happen for Legion too but that’s much further out I’m sure.
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I am very happy I have it for alts still there. Also, do you want the class mounts? Flying will come in really handy for those.

When you login you cant just choose your old realm account and such?
I find it hard to believe blizz couldnt transfer ypur stuff. Or just let you login to the old account. Maybe they are lieing and are just attempting to milk you?
Honestly if i had to start from scratch i would quit. After spending so much time in the game. I have stuff you cant even get anymore.
If i had to guess. If you used the methods i said earlier you would probably regrind the achieves in say 2 months or so. But up to you if you want to do it.
It’s a very niche thing at this point, great if you have alts, also great for general getting around to farm stuff.
wait. If transfer here from EU you lost all past progression? That sucks!
Considering how pathfinder came to be. I doubt blizz would just give it to players free.
Its not different then allied races. Theyll be locked behind grinds even when its past content.