Legends in Exile (NA/US) is looking to fill roles

Zangarmarsh Realm Central Time

-Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm to 9:00pm Pacific Time
Mythic + Dungeons:
-Any day of the week as long as people are on we’ll be available to push keys if KSM is something you like to do.

Legends in Exile is a late-night/ early evening guild with a casual atmosphere and friendly players formed of friends acquired through several expansions. Our team is a mix of experienced raiders and hardcore casuals who are trying to enjoy content while balancing their real life responsibilities. With each raid tier we seek to improve ourselves and prepare for the next challenge.

Our core values are:

  1. Be respectful of everyone.
  2. Must be 18+ or come with a sense of humor that helps making the wipefest of learning new content bareable.
  3. RL > game.
  • Green overall parse rank for heroic or Blue overall parse rank on Normal.
  • Come into each raid night with a positive attitude; being willing to make adjustments to help the raid and understanding that not every raid night ends with the boss dying. Constructive strategic feedback from all raiders is welcome and expected.
  • Know your class/spec well and come fully prepared each night; know the mechanics on new boss fights and having the consumables required to optimize performance.

We believe that everyone has the ability to grow and change, even players who have been in this game since 1999 or who have just gotten into the game in the current expansion. Our guild is small so the goal is to hang out and have fun, raid and enjoy a drama-free social environment.
https://guildsofwow.com/legends-in-exile for more info

we do M+ aswells