Legendary Warlock slow on dots

So that thing is really really lame the way it is right now. Why not just be something that automatically casts a curse of exhaustion when the warlocks uses corruption or something? The way it is right now, it’s like a permanent slow that can’t even be dispelled. Or make it last like 6-7 second after the warlock casts a dot.

Forcing them to waste global cooldowns on refreshing their slow would at least make it fair. I mean, I’m a frost mage, and I don’t even have access to this good of a slow on instant casts. lol

Warlocks can just throw this crap on you and forget, and you’re stuck with low mobility for around 20 second after the fact.

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It is pretty toxic, but sadly Blizzard has gimped the class so hard that we would be completely useless without the lego.

If you want them to take it away, you must also want them to buff Affliction’s burst damage / survivability / utility substantially to offset the nerf. Otherwise there will literally be no reason to invite one to RBG’s / arena.

Personally, I would trade the DoT slow for more instant cast burst and survivability all day. Mages have these things. We do not. That’s why we’re snare bots.

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Has anyone noticed that sometimes it persists through death?

because UA and mindgames synergy with priest meta and highest throughput isn’t useful enough lol.

if anything u ruin the need for dks.


You’re a shaman.

You’re a Paladin.

And you’ve contributed nothing to the thread. Well done.


At the absolute very least have the slow drop after combat.

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Must have touched a nerve, lol.

It’s really not that game breaking. As a primary FC healer I deal with everyone’s CC and I don’t find the game unplayable.

Work on positioning and keep in mind the enemy team is dealing with the same crap you are, unless you aren’t comping well.

It’s mostly super annoying. It’s annoying to the point that it should almost be considered trolling XD


Oh I feel you 1,000%. A lock slows me, I clear it, then a rogue saps me, and I watch my FC augment his distance from me, I pop a CD, get closer, another sap, then a trap gets thrown on me, after that some goblin glues my feet to ice blocks and thrown me on to a heated metal surface. CC is absolutely relentless in this game–but I guess I tolerate fairly well just because everyone is dealing with it too. lol

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Exactly, they are taking our niche.

That’s the right state of mind. I’ll try to do this too!