Legendary Staff second part is not the best…

From what I am gathering from my raiders is that we need to wipe on 4 bosses or we lose progress on the 4 bosses for the staff (also pushing the other staffs back), also if someone else gets the first staff from the extra boss, they can’t continue to work on the portal open quest. So we are stuck with one provider of the portal opening.

i thought they said they made a change so you could keep opening the boss portal after youve done that step?

You can but its once per lockout and it saves you (so people cant sell this as a service)

It shouldnt matter for most guilds but may be annoying for pugging.

You get saved when you kill the optional boss and if your doing that why wouldnt you be clearing that raid id???

This is going to be a downside of getting a staff every week thinkers in 25. One, each week you probably are going to have a raider piddling around clicking on things… Two, the way the points in the quests line up you can actually be extending it by not stopping… letting someone go do a quest… coming back… wiping on a boss for this… and a whole lot of things like that.