Quest has stopped giving items after 19 out of 50 Taut Tethercoils. I have verified the buff was active, the link was good, and the rare/elite rare was an eligible target. But quest has completely stopped providing items. I’ve killed nearly 20 rares since the 19th drop and nothing.
Exceptionally frustrating considering I got this Legendary so late into the season while maximizing my roll chances weekly.
Didn’t see I was on an old mage character, I do have a Paladin lol
I think this is a known thing atm. There was another thread.
Same boat for me. Think I’ve killed 10 or so tonight so far and nothing. I think the patch earlier bugged it out. I put in a ticket. Think a few others did too.
Hope they fix it soon.
That’s super disappointing. I could have had it for raid tonight lol
same issue for me but not working for 2 days now. struggling to understand HOW they managed this.
Had no issues on my main earlier this morning, now having the same issue. Sad times.
Broken again. No one I am talking with and running around with is receiving any taut tethercoils
+1 This seems broken again
The Tuesday patch broke it. I was getting the tethercoils on Monday on my pally, and I’m kicking myself for not staying up all night to finish them before the maintenance. Oh well. I guess we wait…
can confirm that the raid portion is not working at the moment. sucks I just got my axe this week and I have everything done except the raid boss tether. I was excited I was able to get into a raid relatively quickly. Tried the shadowbinding on gnarlroot, ingra and all of us who tethered did not get credit. to say the least this sucks. and here is the kicker, Blizzard is saying its working properly. No Blizz you need to fix this.