Legendary memory dungeon runs

I’ve run more than 30 heroic De Other Side runs since yesterday and still no drops, I don’t think they fixed anything at all. And I will keep quitting after the Manastorms until I get my legendary. As always the newbies and casuals will pay the price for Blizzard’s bad design in gating content. I feel really bad doing this but it’s not my fault.

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Cool this fixes NOTHING!

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If you have already done an M0 for the week, if you do it again would you have a chance at the Memory?
I know you dont get regular loot but does the Memory loot table work different?

or you could have moved them all to the final boss

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Thank you, the drop rate was so bad after about 20 runs I gave up and just paid honor to get a bad legendary

DPS queue times are about to skyrocket.

This time tomorrow and both of them will already have it and never queue again.

Enjoy that 50min queue time.

2x m0, 20 or so runs of normal, 10 runs of heroic and i got it (Tuesday). This is a great change, thank you.

I have mine, but even I was guilty of it after 37 runs and I am not normally that perosn, the memories should NEVER have been with anything except the last boss of the dungeon, anyone with only a little game experience and understanding the community could have forseen the issue of people dropping after the boss they want is dead.

Even after this update, I’ve run Spires of Ascension 30 times in the past 2 days on heroic chasing the Memory of Celerity on my rogue. It drops from the 2nd boss and I’ve got 40+ runs total of this dungeon since the expansion dropped.

Blizzard only uses in house talent, so this was not a consideration, lol.

I don’t know why the obvious fix - no one gets them until the end of the run - isn’t implemented as the “well, duh” default solution.


You mean the fix they figured out years ago for quests?


Yep, that’s the one.

I call bs. I have lost count how many runs of Spires I have done, on heroic, and never seen the legendary, off of Oryphiron, for anyone.

Its still happening 24 days later…a lot.

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See if you can find an m0 group for it, they drop a lot more readily in mythic.

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It won’t .

Well unless it means more people get their memory and stop running purely for the memory. Which may help with leavers?

Perhaps you are right.

I however prefer to believe the system they put in place was because they have zero imagination left to come up with anything better. In all honesty, all Legendary items should drop from last boss in all dungeons regardless of difficulty (raids also maybe? ). Far less chance of anyone dropping before last boss.