Legendary is way too OP

Agreed. It’s pretty lame… I play warrior and it’s virtually impossible I will ever see this Lego as I don’t mythic raid.

Feels bad that my class is significantly worse than essentially everyone else because of a weapon I’ll never in a million years get my hands on

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Okay, this had me spitting out my drink, I was laughing so hard. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

this axe needs to be nerfed by 300% in pvp

no one wants to play against fistweaver ret war with that garbage all season

In normal raid this week we 1 shot everything and the ret did 30% more than me and I was #2 on the meter as arms.

In my 16-20s ret is generally 15-40% stronger than arms currently. Divine storm is absolutely clapping in high keys

Have we seen the actual effect in action? Just reading the tooltip it seems like it could be strong but it’s also got potential problems so I’m holding judgement until we see it in action.

If it’s a 3s channel it’s going to be worth a lot less than if it were a 3s damage buff like slappy hands for example. I’m bursting for 600k-800k on my DPS during 2m CDs on dungeon trash so 500k (assuming it’s split like most AE effects like this) over 3s isn’t that strong if you can’t do anything else while it’s channeling. Even outside of CDs I’m doing over 300k per second so 900k in the same time it takes for this thing to do damage and we’re still 15+ ilvl short of season cap and a helm enchant still on the way.

It could be strong but it’s too early to tell and certainly too early to make forum complaining posts about it.

so in short this whole post can be summed up as:

Except you can pair this with beacon and drop 2m damage on top of that insane proc.

Ummm no. Being difficult to get means people who dont have it dont get into groups. Happened with sylvannas bow in SL. Hunters without sylvannas bow had a hard time getting into groups unless they formed their own key. You basically needed the bow or your dps sucked.

I mean, compare this thing to the evoker legendary. This axe gives daily swirlies to the evoker legendary, that thing is a weenie, comparitively speaking.

He expected it to be that terrible thing evokers got

Wasn’t the mace from the Jailer also insanely strong?

It was the evoker legendary was so bad

As long as it doesn’t drop from LFR or normal I could care less what it does c:

I definitely think it drops from lower difficulty the problem is you’ll need an “entire town” to finish the item or ( spend hundreds in tokens)

Well for every other effect like that they say “spread evenly among x” so idk.

They are inconsistent in tooltips tho tbf.

So many tears I have to collect with this legendary when I get it.

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Outlaw isn’t overtuned in the slightest (it’s basically never played in raid because it’s heavily outclassed by Assassination) and Mage as a whole is quite mediocre right now.

Havoc’s AoE is kinda bonkers though, yeah.

It’s a legendary, it’s supposed to be OP.

Fyralath is less % dps gain than Gavel of the First Arbiter from the Jailer.

Gavel also didn’t cost a million gold.

speaking of which…
for a Non Lego “Kharnalex, The First Light” (Evoker Giant killer weapon. aka the egg on a stick) it’s still a significant portion of my damage and i have no idea at what point a stat stick is supposed to be better… maybe i need more AOE testing to see the nearly 40 ilvl difference actually pull ahead. :dracthyr_sweat: