Well that only took a couple of hours.
I hope not. Those stats will be perfect for Fury Warrior. And we’ve been mid in AoE and near last to last in single target damage all expac.
One of the issues with legendary weapons is that they kind of have to be OP to make them worth farming. It’ll never be a perfect system.
Ret’s kinda mediocre and as long as it provides the utility it provides it will always be pretty bad DPS-wise.
Its single-target is mediocre, its AoE is mediocre, and it also loses BY FAR the most of one to spec into the other.
So whoever has this for PvP is going to pummel errryone
man this reads like a copypasta
Until Liquid defeats Fyrakk, this remains a purely EU region available weapon.
Assuming Meeres even finishes it before reset, which if it requires raid drops, doesn’t seem possible.
They’re doing quite well right now.
Lol some warrior is going to bladestorm through teams and mark everyone, then press that and delete people
Legendaries should be disabled in PvP
Legendaries shouldn’t be balanced. They should be overpowered. They should be “Congrats you beat the season now go wild” things.
Wow I checked warcraft logs and they are up like 100 pulls and still haven’t beat it. That’s gotta be a little embarrassing.
It’s super tight and there’s so much going on at the end. Any mistake is a full wipe.
They’re still way ahead of the next competitor.
It seems like they’re refining their gameplay on each stage versus going for the kill at this point.
Idk how you can sit and watch RWF, if you are. Glad you enjoy it if so, I just can’t sit and watch them go at it for longer than like 10 minutes.
I watch a little bit of it just to laugh at them. I think RWF is stupid. It literally ruins the game, the whole point is to prog if you’re a pver and if you’re a RWFER you’ve beaten the game like two weeks into release. Who knows maybe they actually enjoy it, I just don’t understand what’s enjoyable about rushing to the end other than the money the RWF generates.
I think ‘sportifying’ games in general makes them overall worse for the majority of players, but I won’t go on a rant about that here. Settle for an “I agree.”
I agree!
The biggest kicker is a lot of these fights are made super hard just for the RWF and then they get put to their proper levels. It’s a lotta stupidness.
RWF should be on a special tournament server, like MDI & AWC.
Then Blizzard can put the bizarro versions of the fights there, and tune them as high as they want. Meanwhile, just put the standard versions on the live servers for everybody else.
Even if I could use it and got the quest, I’m not sure I would drop a mil on a seasonal weapon
Might bandaid it, but I still don’t like how all of these things shape the players’ opinions on the game overall. To some degree it’s inescapable, information is readily available, metas happen, but I just feel that the idea of it being something you can be a “professional” at spurs people on to be… exceptionally stupid.
Watching people burn themselves out chasing the meta and trying to keep up with the top players is a painful experience for me.
I just wanna push the funny buttons and see number go brrrr at the end of the day.