Legendary drop rates

Has blizzard mentioned anything new about the expedited phases and possibly not seeing legendaries?

Legendaries aren’t a must-have for any reason. If they drop, they drop.


Not sure if I’d want to see increase in drop rate % for legendaries however, an extra drop or two per boss would be nice with the faster run of anniversary.

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As far as we know they are not adjusting anything related to drops. No additional loot drops. No increased drop rates. Nadda.

I don’t think they have even hinted at it or said anything about considering it.

you don’t need extra loot :expressionless: the only time extra loot happened was in SoM, and those raids actually presented some degree of difficulty. brainless loot pinatas don’t need to reward you even more than they already do.

indeed the only legendary of any consequence is thunderfury, still not necessary, but it is the only one that matters at all for pve.
Sulfuras is a relatively strong weapon, but no one is bringing enhance shaman, ret paladins, or arms warriors to raid. and even if they did the proc from sulfuras is fire which is not super helpful in MC or BWL
Atiesh of course can’t be acquired until you’re already clearing Naxx.