My guild group of 5 did a horrific vision run and did not receive the cape upgrade item “fear and flesh” book. We don’t understand why we didn’t receive it, but we want this fixed so we are not behind for Tuesday.
I also had this issue running solo. I completed Valley of Wisdom and Thrall but had no quest items in my chests. At this point, I can only assume it’s not a 100% drop and if that’s the case, that information was never made clear.
My wife and I also did the valley of wisdom and thrall and did not receive the item as well. So you guys are not alone. Some clarification on this would be wonderful.
It looks like your cloaks are already at Rank 5.
Rank 5 is the current cap of the cloak, it’s likely that the quest item does not drop because you aren’t eligible for it until next week.
Although I assumed it would just not provide the quest until it was available.
I inspected others inside the chamber of hearts and there were at least 2 characters with rank 6 Ilvl 480 cloaks
Oof you’re right, the cap is 6 not 5.
I’m not sure then, sorry.
When you did the VoW + Thrall run for this quest, had you previously already done a +1 objective run on an earlier quest stage?
I ask because a recent clarification stated that you only get gear from each run difficulty once per week, and I’m wondering if that may somehow also include quest items. It clearly shouldn’t, but there are obviously a few things still to straighten out with this whole system.
I just had the same problem. I just managed to get enough for another vial, completed the Valley of Wisdom area, killed Thrall, and nothing. I’m wondering if we had to complete the other easier areas instead? If not, we either need the refund for the vial or to get the quest item. I wonder if it’s a bug from the constant patching.
Thrall is in the easiest area.
However, I believe the upgrade to +6 is not from killing Thrall, but from one of mini-bosses of one of the slightly harder zones.
From the WowHead guide to the cloak:
Upgrading to Rank 6 requires going out to a Tier 2 area, as well as downing Thrall.
Even in that description from wowhead it says to complete a tier 2 or tier 3 zone. Valley of wisdom is a tier 3 lost area. So it doesn’t make sense that I didn’t receive it.
I can only speculate here, but I think the Rank 6 drop is only from the Tier 2 zone. You may have screwed yourself by overachieving.
Or alternately, it really is a bug. This is the first week of a major content patch, after all. The devs may even have felt some leeway in hardening and polishing this feature, given that there’s a lot of catch-up in subsequent weeks.
Had the same issue. Ran as a group of 5, 4 of us had the quest. We did VoW + Thrall, didn’t fail. No book was looted by any of us at the end. The only thing we achieved was the rank 2 essence.
We ran as a group of 4 and 3 were eligible to get the rank 6. We killed Valley of Wisdom, and Thrall, and did not received “Fear and Flesh”. It looks like if you just did VoW and Thrall you don’t get the rank 6 upgrade… which doesn’t make any sense and all and I’m assuming its a bug. I turned in a ticket.
Would love to hear a response from an MVP or a blue on this. At the moment it looks like this is a bug.
I do hope they do something for those of us that did not get the item because that would put us behind 1 week and that’s without even failing our run. Which stings even more.
So some guildies has a same issue and I created a post for this as well but after interviewing some people in trade chat when I asked for some rank 6 links, it seems you have to complete a corrupted side area (medium difficulty) and not a lost side area (hard) in which a lot of people have said they are having the issue because the did VoW + Thrall. I plan to test this for science here in a bit but the fact it doesn’t come from a harder difficulty chest seems quite weird to me.
people in my guild that did the one corrupted side did get the upgrade, but as far as the info around goes, It does not say you have to do a medium(corrupted), it just say you need to kill a side boss. Hence why we believe its a bug. Really hope we are right.
Yeah I totally agree because why wouldn’t doing something that harder reward you with the same thing. I am thinking the bug lies in that the item only exists in the chests that spawn from the corrupted areas versus the lost ones.
No drop for me either. Pretty lame to plop down 10k coalescing visions and not get the reward.
Are you sure you completed a side objective? You should have had an extra lootable chest per completed bonus objective at the end. The book can be looted from a bonus chest, not the main thrall chest.
If you did and still didn’t get the book then it’s probably a bug. The book dropped multiple times per person in my group as it was present in each bonus objective chest (but we could each only loot 1), so I assumed it was a 100% drop rate like the other items. If it’s not guaranteed, I suggest you clear 2 bonus objectives next time.