Legendary Axe Will Set You Back Over 1 Million Gold!

Reading comprehension that bad eh?

I was talking about your ‘‘it’s always been like that’’ comment.

How is explaining how you are wrong, somehow me now being bitter 'cause I missed out on said flip?

You are really reaching there.

Where was I wrong that they’ve always imposed costs on legendaries? They’ve been doing it since vanilla quite regularly.

Then you were complaining about “gold goblins” which is really just you being bitter about them hence the derogatory term.

It had nothing to do with the post I made which you replied to. I’m not shocked, surprised or taken a back like ‘‘OMG how dare they do this first time thing and flip mats on the AH for this legendary item’’

There is no price set by Blizzard in the form of gold. You can farm most of the stuff yourself and it takes a long time. This is and has always been a player/free market thing.

So next time you want to play the obvious game , maybe rethink what you reply with.

Blizzard understands that some mats are worth more than others, as does basically everyone playing the game. By making TF cost 100 arcanite they know they’re imposing a heavy market cost to the item. Yes you can pretend that players are going to give away the mats for free, and maybe they will, but then speculators will quickly realize the market inefficiency and buy the cheap stuff and raise the price to profit. This is how markets work.


You are continually talking about things that are OBVIOUS.

hint hint.

Stop wasting my time.

Edit: Why are you and others in t his game, not able to comprehend simple things. You are now putting words in my mouth lol

I know what I meant. No need to assume.

jeeeeesus :rofl:

So far i’ve gotten all the Mats but two items, and i haven’t spent more then 300k Yet. Lol I horde all my stuff on a bank toon, and he had most of it. I mainly just have to farm out the Skinning things. So farm for it, it’s easier if you’re cheap like me. Lots of good spots to farm so i should be ok, also the Inscription stuff is a pain but im AFK as my alt does all the work for ink atm. Lol

Blizzard are financially invested in gold sales, gold sinks aren’t going anywhere, they’re just going to get bigger and more pervasive.

It’ll get nerfed in PvP, as it should. Probably won’t in M+ because apparently “raid item busted in keys hur hur” is still funny to some people, or something.

OP is right, they should remove the drop chance from LFR/Normal and maybe even Heroic.

Like he said, comparing to Thunderfury:

The obvious solution is to not have the legendary drop in content that’s generally pugged.

Maybe require a 100% guild run to have it drop?

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I would suggest that if this is something you want, you start farming materials now. Chances are you have the ability to get some of it and if you make arrangements with friends or guild mates that also want it with different gathering or crafting professions, you can help each other.

It doesn’t have to be that expensive and you don’t need tokens. I helped make 4 legendaries for Evokers (and not one of them was mine) by organizing people to help. I also started gathering what I could as soon as I knew a friend was hoping for it.

And prices will come down over time. If you wait until you get lucky and then start, it will be a chore. If you start now, it may be more rewarding.

Good luck to everyone that wants it.

1 mil is an absurd amount of gold to most players.


It’s not super absurd for most people who are realistically going to build this. I still think it’s stupid to have any of it related to the economy, though.

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Some legendaries in the past did have a paywall of sorts but these were usually to an NPC. Such as Dragonwrath or the Fangs of the Father. Therefore they had a set price. Now others in the past did rely on materials. Such as Sulfuras (needed to make the Sulfuran hammer first) and Thunderfury. Both of which needed rare mats such as Arcane crystals. 50 and 100 respectively.

This isn’t the first time though where you had to get mats that are not on an NPC to get a legendary. The first two legendaries are examples of this. Sulfuras and Thunderfury both need Arcane Crystals (50 and 100 respectively) to get. And the only reliable way to get them is to mine the crap out of Thorium ore nodes and pray they drop.

Plus who is to say that the Legendary isn’t rare? The 100% drop is ONLY for worlds first. Everyone after that has to pray to RNJesus that they get it.

I thought you were joking, just wow, what average player actually has 1 million spare gold or enough alts to farm all those mats themselves?

Here I was hoping they would do away with the grind considering how hard the evoker leggo was to even get to begin with.


Schrodinger’s Legendary, farm my life away to get those mats and probably never see the leggo drop, or don’t farm and see the leggo drop.

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Well actually…

Atiesh, Warglaives, Thori’dal, Val’anyr, and Rae’shalare didn’t require gold or materials to obtain.

No where did I say this…

Absolutely not…

Oh, I agree completely. I have the same luck. lol. I have the most rotten luck with special weapons.

However, I’d rather have them and not need them then not have them. It only costs time and you would still be able to sell them.

Quoted for truth.

Good chance for them to make this into a Shadowmourne two. Why now they got to nerf all the legos and limit them so much though. I’ll try to get it on my paladin.

Thunderfury was crazy expensive lol