Legendary Axe Drop - Bad Luck Protection is Broken/not working

This whole Ret Paladin class being balanced behind a legendary is “fair” to a point. But the RNG is TERRIBLE. I have killed H. Fyrakk every week since the legendary was on the loot table. I get the “bad luck protection” drops all the time - and use them. They do nothing. THIS HAS TO BE BUGGED. There is no way to see how much has been accumulated. With over 10 Greater Ember’s of Fyr’alath and at least the same, if not more, amout of Lesser Embers, how can this still not drop??

I watch friends level alts and get it on their first kill or a few after. This system is completely broken. How come after 10 H. Fyrakk kills, it can’t just be awarded? I am trying so hard to play competitively but am held back by horrible RNG. Tonight, a guildie pulls in his retired main (because he couldn’t play the class well), lands 8th on the DPS, dies during the fight, and gets the Legendary… I am willing to cancel my subscription over this nonsense. After so many kills, where is the fairness? At this RNG rate, I may never get it until the very end of the Tier when it will be obsolete. Is there anything that can be done? I have followed all the best advice. This is just totally unfair.


we are on week 8 since the legendary became available for one. But, I agree. paladin, warrior, DK none have the axe yet. and I have no idea how good/bad my bad luck protection is. That being said, some evokers took 20 weeks if you did it every week on mythic so we are not even halfway there yet.

So first let’s just clear this out… Because you didn’t get it yet does not mean it’s broken or not working, as far as we can see it’s working as designed and intended

Fact is we do not know the drop % nor how much the lesser and greater essences influence it. Now before you get upset at me for saying all the above; I get it, it’s frustrating, and I sympathize.

However, the sooner you can get in a mindset of “if it drops, it drops” the happier you will be. It is what it is, and if that is unacceptable and you quit the game over it… Well I don’t know what to tell ya except good luck in all your future endeavors.


No, no. Good reply. No anger with anything you said. I would really like to see some way to track/know the accumulated bad luck protection. I still feel it is bogus and does absolutely nothing.

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It’s a stupid design start to finish in every way.

It isn’t designed for world first raiders - it couldn’t drop until Mythic Fyrakk was killed.
It isn’t designed for the average AOTC player - we have long since cleared AOTC and can’t get it to drop.
It isn’t for people doing +20 every dungeon, we finished that in week 2&3. Keystone hero on 2 of my characters already and no axe drop.
The bad luck tokens are a fake Placebo - if they were working more than 3% of players that can use it would have got it by now.

By the time this stupid axe drops, it’s good for nothing but transmog.

How about design the game in a way where we can get this axe within the first month at the very MOST. The bad luck tokens should be 25% each. Not 0.0001% each.

I won’t bother playing in future. This is three times they have screwed me over now. I killed Sylvanas for 20 weeks with no Rae’Shalare bow. Never got the Raszageth bow. And now my DK with all these Fyrakk kills can’t get axe either.


Make it deterministic and attainable within a reasonable time frame, NOT AFTER THE SEASON IS OVER AND WE HAVE FINISHED ALL OUR GOALS.


another week, and no axe. It doesn’t matter for the masses but this has killed my will to play. I’ve lost all interest


I feel the same way Crixsullus does. it is so demeaning to put in all this work and be held back by RNG while there are below average andys getting the LEGENDARY by luck on their 1st-3rd kills on normal or LFR. The system in place SUCKS and makes all the people playing more than the average gamer feel like DOODOO.


I would feel better if I had some way of knowing how much my chances have increased, so I have numerical value. Like if it’s a super low freaking chance, then I’m cool with that. That’s even after like 18 greaters and 7 lessers because I’ve gotten incredibly lucky with those lol

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Imagine if they made a quest where you have to kill bosses for, lets say 8 weeks, collect quest items and BOOM, you get it. Pretty much like in ICC. But NO, they want you to keep playing the game, keep your sub, and have you running on a hamster wheel, dangling that orange carrot. Delicious!

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Keep in mind that the BLP granted by the greater essences is cumulative up to your highest difficulty, so killing LFR->normal->Heroic doesn’t actually increase your chances next week over just killing Heroic since it includes all of the lowers you haven’t yet used. I’d strongly suggest saving yourself some time and just sticking with the highest difficulty you can kill each week.

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just clearing heroic every week then?

look blizz, its amazing , no axe


Yes it is a complete sentence Blizzard.

Honestly I wonder if these “increased” drop rate things Blizz does are just placebos to make us feel like it’s better when they realistically didn’t do anything.

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Only your highest difficulty kill each week actually matters.

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Just did a raid with 16 dps in there. only dps to get the legendary was the 16th, without full upgraded gear and poo damage. WHY BLIZZZZARD!?!? #NotWorthy