New player here and I’m sure someone has brought this up before but why does this not exist yet?
What I mean is that I got a warglaive from BT last night on my Shaman. Knowing I was unable to equip, I was still excited for making another class and having it as a transmog however, that is not so. It has literally become a glorified bank spot paper weight. With items that are so rare, shouldn’t they be account wide much like mounts are?
(Bindings as well).
I just think with what this game is now and what it has in it and what people can do, having items such as these legendry’s not be account-wide or at least unlocked as transmog account-wide is silly.
What I meant is being able to get the achievement or have the legendaries become account bound rather than character bound.
For instance my shaman has both warglaives, and it is completely useless. I cant even at the very least have it in my tranmog collection for other classes, let alone activate the achievement.
I feel that with how rare these are simply getting a legendary weapon regardless of being able to equip it, will become transmogable on all usable characters on the account. So even if my shaman collected both warglaives and cannot use them at least my warrior could still utilize the transmog, since I had both warglaives on my shaman.
The legendary weapons are account bound as far as I know. My Paladin has Thunderfury and Sulfurus but I’ve mogged the sword and mace on characters who are level 20. The Glaives might be different since there’s an achievement tied to them.
I know that the legendary weapons are account bound. What I’m saying is that Classes that are lucky enough to come across these Warglaives, such as a Shaman (who cannot equip nor any swords, this also includes Thunderfury) do no get achievement NOR does the account get access to the transmog.
I’m saying since the game is into transmogs now, I think the legendary weapons should have an exception so that all classes can activate the achievement and transmog, regardless of being able to equip them.
Items and classes are being restricted from being able to complete achievements because of this and lose out on part of the game in acquiring these rare items.
It sucks to be a shaman with both Warglaives and Windseeker bindings and have them be glorified stash trash. Even if shamans shouldn’t be able to equip these swords, the account should get credit for the achievement as well as obtain transmogs from these items
I’m guessing the legendaries are limited in the same way other armour/weapon types are, in that if you’re unable to use that armour/weapon type, it’s not going to transfer to your account wide collection.
So, a Shaman won’t be able to mog Thunderfury (as it doesn’t equip swords), but can grab Sulfuras. Warglaives are only transmoggable for DH.
This is all very much intended, and would suggest looking into how the transmog system works, as thinking that the Warglaives would transfer from your Shaman, into your collection shows you may be unaware of the facts behind transmog limitations.
I get how the transmog works and what their intentions are. This also isn’t directed towards all armor and weapons types being accessable across all classes on an account. This is specifically towards legendries and accomplishing their achievements. In doing so if a legendary set like warglaives is obtained on a shaman (who cant use them) the account should still get the achievement. (After all it was achieved in obtaining both of them…). At the very least if that account has a DH, that DH should be able to use it as a transmog, instead of letting the items go to waste on a character that cannot utilize them.
So you have both Warglaives, left and right drop on a character that can wield them, along with running BT on TW?
Details of what is required:
Why am I even asking…
Of course you haven’t…
Of course you don’t understand. It says for characters that have the BC achievement already. The issue is that my SHAMAN has both warglaives and I cant equip them for the achievement, therefore the TW BT achievement will not apply to my DH. UNLESS there has been some re-work from your link allowing for a class to just have the glaives in possession (regardless of equipping, like a warlock or shaman ect…) for someone to do BT TW and unlocking the new achievement.
This means Warriors or Rogues that have the give the achievement to their DH’s basically.
Not that warlock or shaman who just so happen to come across the glaives be able to activate and give to their DH’s or any toon by that means.
Again, unless its been re-worked but that is what your link states. It says “any class” but then within the same paragraphs states warriors, rogues, monks, Dk ect… no “ALL” classes
Then you know the requirements, and know the transmog rules that have been in place since it’s implementation 
Like any weapon in the game, you go farm it on a character that can equip it!!! As per the achievement that has been in place for so many years: It states that the player is the wielder of the Glaives…
Hmm I got my complaining about the glaives threads mixed up. I thought I was replying to a different thread.
Actually I didn’t know. This is my 3rd week playing retail. I just got lucky getting both glaives within the first 2 weeks of playing and finding out it was not tranmogable. WHICH IS WHY I made the forum. >>
A LEGENDARY should be an exception (in my opinion) which is the point of this post? A POS robe being able to tranmog onto a warrior is hardly my point nor is it what I’m asking for.
So you didn’t know, and instead of looking that up on google, where the information is easily accessible, you’ve taken it upon yourself to hop on the forums to complain about transmog rules that have been in place for years!
After players having patiently explain you the rule, you’ve ignorantly bitten back in what you think should be the case…
It’s an insanely simple concept: Legendary or not, if you can’t equip it on your character, then it doesn’t become available for an account wide option.

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So, you mean to tell me b4 u play a game you research every aspect to it so that you are surprised by nothing? Gimee a break…
The forums are to ask questions or bring things to attention to Blizzard. No one is QQ’ing. I simply stated what doesn’t make sense to me, especially where WoW currently is with allowing tranmogs and what not.
That is it. You were the smart a$$ coming to give the #1 troll response of “Very much intended”, btw thanks genius I know its intended, I’m here to say and ask for them to relook/think abt this for possible future change.
Achievements are account wide and should not be limited to a class specifically without stating within the achievement only able to accomplish on spec class ect… I understand how it works im simply asking for change, if your not willing to accept people coming to forums and giving their take, then simply move on and keep to yourself, trolls need not comment. Bye
Not at all, but at least Google that crap before coming the the forums for a whine, and claiming you’re correct when people clarify the mechanics of the situation that have been in place for years!!!

And it’s very much intended!
It was explained as such, yet you’re too ignorant to accept that people that have been playing this game for 15 years may know something about how the loot system works 
Oh, but this is your 3rd week playing retail, you must know how achievements need to be changed 
You think I’m a troll when I’m in disagreement, and explained how you’re incorrect…
Welcome to the forums, I’d suggest sticking to the General Discussion 
I don’t think it should change. Being able to put something in your bag doesn’t mean you should be able to unlock the appearance. That doesn’t make sense and devalues the legendary.