
I wish you could do one of the following things:

  1. Sell back or “break” a crafted legendary to retrieve a portion of SA.
  2. Change the legendaries so you choose ANY slot to make ANY legendary. It’s frustrating having to find an epic piece to replace the legendary piece I’m already replacing with a different legendary in a different slot because I want to change spec/swap ST to AOE or vice versa.

That’s all…


100% i do not want to cough up a wow token for a max ilvl legendary. Just can not pull the trigger on it truly.

Worst of all grinding Torgassht feels awful… Let me DE or go back to the chained up dude to get like half of the soulash back for other leggos i do not want.

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I got to 60, got lucky and the BIS Memory for my spec dropped. So I went to start grinding Soul Ash. Torghast quickly made me rethink about wanting a Leggo, even a BIS one.

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It’s only going to get worse when they let us wear 2 legendaries later on. Then you’ll need to find 2 pieces of gear to go in those slots when you swap specs or roles.

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and to then lose them when the xpac ends.


Torgassht was cool at first no lie but the more you do the more you wonder… Am i stupid? No really am i just this dumb to be running on this hamster wheel?


I get that it would make it worse if we unlocked torghast to be account wide. Yes, it’s SUPER frustrating having to grind through 8 layers on every wing for EVERY character I get to 60.
I guess what would make it feel less ridiculous is if they stopped treating it like this super important aspect of the game that requires limiting anima abilities. Just take out common and uncommon anima, leave only the god mode stuff, and call it a day. It’s just for SA…literally. You don’t even get the insulting 35 anima for finishing. At least make it fun…jesus…

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Congratulations! They just unlocked Torghast to be account wide :grin:
