Anyone testing the other leggos or is everybody on beta just running around with akaari’s and that’s that? Is essence of bloodfang good? What about tiny toxic blades or finality? All of those seem like they could be interesting in some way or another but all I’ve heard about is akaari’s skirm smasher ._.
Doomblade, Zoldyck’s, Akaaris, Deathly Shadow, and Mark of the Master Assassin are the only ones on my radar.
I saw Bloodfang on some beta vid. The damage and healing were a joke. Tiny Toxic Blades also seems like a joke just in mechanics. Sin has ZERO trouble applying dots. I simply fall to see the “legendary” use from being able to spread dots to ONE target. Maybe if it was “nearby targets” or something…but one? GTFO.
Finality I hadn’t seen or registered somehow and that one looks potentially really strong. I especially like how it seems to suggest you can “empower” the next move and essentially save it up to unleash one empowered version of each whenever you want or back to back. Ultimately though when it comes to many of these, they aren’t really doing anything special…just adding damage, and when it comes to that the sims will decide.
I tested Tiny Toxic Blades, Bloodfang and Finality.
Bloodfang was extremely undertuned when I tried a few weeks ago and so was Finality when I tested it recently. Tiny Toxic Blades seems like a waste of a legendary for all 3 specs as I see it.
I tried Finality in a few dungeons and even for AoE I thought it still needs some tuning. I proposed a few days ago in the Beta Forums that Finality should also make the buffed finisher deal 100% shadow damage + the 50% with Find Weakness + the 20% that the legendary itself buffs. Maybe this way we could see it being used since it will ignore armor and scale with Deeper Daggers.
Deathly Shadows could use a duration increase and/or maybe a Vanish cooldown reduction.
The Rotten looks really bad, but it’s actually a bit ahead of Deathly Shadows according to sims. I don’t really like the design and would recommend a rework.
Every single legendary for Sub other than Akaari’s need to be looked at. For you guys to have an idea, this graph for sims was posted on the Rogue discord Ravenholdt by fuu after the Akaari’s nerf:
I’d really like to be able to use some new legendaries and not just the same ones from Legion several years ago.
So even with the nerf Akaari is firmly ahead I see, well that’s a little sad but could be worse I suppose.
You could be like Warriors and have your best leggo be spell reflect lol
Well, it’s not really a matter of Akaari’s being just too good anymore. The other ones just suck.
Master Assassin feels strong in M+. As long as you’re dropping combat between pulls and saving Vanish for when you need to pump. Akaari’s will be more consistent single target dps, but MA will have more burst when you need it. It’s also busted in Necrotic Wake.
Ravenholdt has confirmed that for sub
Vers/crit with akaris for raid
Vers/mastery with MA for mythic plus
I really hate that Vers is our best stat since it’s so boring. Maybe it will change to Crit/Mastery for raid once we get higher levels of Deeper Daggers conduit, we’ll see.
I also wish they buffed Deathly Shadows to reduce Vanish’s cooldown because it’s just so weak even though it would be so good when paired with Master Assassin once/if we’ll be able to equip more than one legendary like Legion.
And idk, there are just so many bad legendaries arround… I mean, why would anyone even choose to craft some of them?
Obviously you’ve gotta get that complete transmog appearance bro.
I actually like it as i also pvp and this is one less set of gear I need to farm.
I can sympathize with that feeling. However, at the same time we’re basically at the part in the game where gear just feels phoned in. Gone are the days where we had numerous and impactful stats, reforging, enchanting, gemming, set bonuses, unique effects, procs, or any semblance of ‘cool’ gear or gearing where you made your character unique. It all boils down to ilvl and a simple yes/no if the secondaries are your preferred one or not.
For many it barely feels like an RPG anymore in that aspect. At this rate we might as well go the Guild Wars 2 route and just have arena completely separate from the game with auto max level characters and template gear.
There was an old beta Ability back in WoTLK I believe called Blood Sweat that caused your bleeds to spread to a nearby target each time they dealt damage. It was removed quickly and we never saw it again, they could add that instead of Tiny Toxic Blades and have it beef up your bleeds and cause them to deal 20% more damage with each consecutive jump.
A possibility. I can see why it was removed though. Sounds very strong. Perhaps some mechanical middle ground between that and TTB would be the sweet spot.
Of course it was strong but then they let HAT slip through.