Legend> Gladiator

Man, arms is tough as hell. Played it last season to 2400 and it was almost as much of a struggle as getting 2400 on enh.

You know we can all see your warrior that’s 3500 games at 2.1 right?

Idk why people even bother lying I can say ur account hasn’t earned legend, cuz I’m looking at it and the next thing ur gonna say is it’s on my other account, obviously.

Why can’t wow players just be fr


Welcome to the internet, bud

i said this is my throwing account do you understand english or are you brain dead? Learn to read bud
 I clearly said this is my throwing account not character. Using Checkpvpfr doesnt make you smart. lul. Lying about what exactly? I said even this account has elite, and it does
 learn to read before you type
 clearly ur iq is less than a chimp

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damn you sound pretty salty for a

checks notes

3545 games played 2100 war that hasn’t even gotten 2.4 this season.






Yeah you played 3500 rounds of shuffle on the second account for funsies.

Using checkpvp doesn’t make me smart but I can use it to know you’re bad


You have a similar rating and games played wdym?

No I don’t and you know that swole. Yeah I played a lot of shuffle this season but I already have my legend and I have 2 dks that are just short of glad range. That is not at all the same as playing 3500 games to finally tag the weapon tints. You know that, you’re just constantly seeking ANYTHING to help your narrative against the people you don’t like and it’s sad


It is a bit weird to post on the forums and antagonize people. Like I don’t go and respond to everyone I don’t like, like other posts that are calling out said posters regardless of whether the liked post is wrong, etc.

It’s definitely really odd.


Yeah I mean I typically chime when when it’s blatant lies. I don’t like that. For him it’s constantly scanning for anything that helps his narrative true or not.

Dudes also become more and more perma online, sad to see


My apologies if this is a dumb question, but what is a throwing character/account?

Does that mean you pay an extra sub fee to throw games/grief, or to troll the forums to avoid getting a suspension on your main/non-throwing account?

I for one don’t care whether you’re lying about your pvp achievements (although I’m judging by the replies you’ve gotten that you are lying), but ngl the idea of paying for a throwing character/account seems silly to me (unless I’m just misinterpreting what is meant by “throwing”).

Are you that guy from high school that brags about his hot girlfriend, but tells everyone we wouldn’t know her because she goes to a different school in a different county/state?


Both of your games played/rating are identical.

3s don’t matter cause you can get boosted there.

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Hey watch your mouth that’s rank 1 blitzer Forged Warlord Swolee. Put sum respecc on his name

Bro’s trolling. You called out my hunter for being awful at 1800! (I’m objectively the worst hunter known to man and I admit it).


Yea, idk
 he compared my 90 games played to duelist, to some warrior who was at 800 games played just under duelist.

I think he’s just bored and probably a little anxious that more people recently seen his outbursts on discord chat
 so he’s lashing out.


Kinda wild to see tbh. Feels like we’re just trying to emulate dozer at this point.

Nah, this is tame compared to previous iterations in btwn bans. We’re actually behaving very well now, all things considered!

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Like you did?


Legend = Gladiator = Nerd

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ladder top 5 are all multi rival capped enh players

i wouldn’t be surprised if 5 below average enh players queued up and knocked them all down next month tbh

i think most of the tank cutoffs are actually higher LOL

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