Unless we are taking about the Tournaments which is not really 3v3. Solo shuffle is absolutely billions of times harder than 3s. You can be absolute dookie at the game and get gladiator by getting carried by 2 other really good players. Glad boosts are getting sold all the time. Watching summit1g a future gladiator climbing just by getting boosted by friends is a live proof u can see on twitch LIVE right now for free, he is doing long hours too so just tune in when u want. The pvp in this game is in an absolute laughable state as a whole yes (Classes never seem to be balanced and u can one trick a broken class to 2.4k plus easily, even if u are a vegetable or do not know how to use a keyboard). But my point still remains solid Legend> Gladiator. The amount of madness you have to be compatible with in solos and the patience u need for games to pop is unreal.
I’m gonna whack anyone who bites on this on the head like a disapproving nun
Im shuffler amd im dumb
Random bgs>all other forms of pvp
Always has been, always will be
Agreed, but I play healer.
Shuffle healers are a different breed. God bless your souls, we are eternally grateful you choose to press q
I think it’s legit OP had a 3s company 1550 achieve but has gotten elite in shuffle so the bias and the need to paint the picture that the easier dps race bracket has meaning to it is there.
Also currently has over 3 thousand shuffle rounds played so they definitely like the bracket .
I think it’s real, although the opinion obviously I think is real bad
Shuffle is the true test.
Sounds like someone that is bitter because they couldn’t make it in 2s/3s and found a bracket that caters to players like you.
i agree buddy
I have yet to see anyone who has had any reasonable success in 3s make that claim.
shuffle may be harder but 3s is funner
nothing beats pet battles though. The true 3v3 format. So perfect it doesnt even need role q
Imagine rating shaming in the year 2025
Careful. You are harassing him
Being a contrarian reply guy to Amatox and co. isn’t really a good look.
2450cr Backpedaling bm hunter with trap not on bars dips his chicken tender into Elmer’s glue and takes a bite while reading this post
“So true bro!”
I don’t think it’s rating shaming to point out why someone might make a thread like this.
I don’t think anyone was being harassed…but you’re becoming dangerously close to harassment on Amatox. You literally follow him thread to thread.
absolutely. glad and its associated bracket are outdated.
let 3s die.
heavy disagree…2.4k in shuffle has always been easier than glad…significantly in some cases. ive gotten 2.4k in the first 2ish weeks many times fighting against no-name people.
pushing glad the first 2 weeks is not even possible unless you’re a multi r1, and when you get anywhere near it you’re only fighting multi r1/awc starting at like 2200 the entire way.
having more time to sit afk in queues is not a skill.
also another point…tons of shuffle rating flexers hardstuck ~2200 trying to get Gladiator and missing it even when it’s 1k+ players above 2.4
all i need to say is this
A Gladiator player will always be able to get Legend
A Legend player will not always be able to get Gladiator
I think it’s pretty easy to figure out. Rating aside
Solo shuffle you lose coordination gain dampening the mode is all about do damage don’t die
A lot of rounds are a coin flip and MS spec heavily favored
Even though 3s has some do dam don’t die to it you still gain coordination and have to deal with the enemy team coordination too.
3v3 is harder. Period. Shuffle is a watered down version of arena. And that’s fine, enjoy it.
But Legend is much easier than Gladiator.
(Neither really that hard especially when everyone fotms!!)