Legacy raid raw gold nerfs

Has anyone confirmed whether WoD and other legacy raids are having the gold price of their loot nerfed in 9.0? It’s been my preferred method of making gold since I can’t play the AH and current content doesn’t give out a lot.

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I think there’s currently drama going on with only ONE piece of loot dropping from each boss in legacy content on the beta right now. I don’t think it’s been addressed if it’s a bug or not…

Now that would be a nerf to gold if it’s intentional…


I’ve seen a video regarding SL PTR, the gear dropping from legacy raids sells for far less.
Its also not on legacy loot, rather personal loot. But I think the personal loot thing is a bug.

The problem is individual gear selling for far less.
So people who relied on RAW gold farms are going to have a really hard time making gold.

I think it’s a hilariously inefficient and slow way to make gold so nerfing it seems pointless. I mean I guess it hurts bots but bots don’t care, they just keep on botting anyway.

Maybe for people who can play the AH.
But I’ve seen multiple streamers using RAW gold farms to get their brutosaur mount. I partially used this method as well.

Especially when it comes to raids, you have a weekly lockout.
So unlike dungeons, I don’t think a nerf to RAW gold was necessary for raids IMO.

Maybe they want more token sales…

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Maybe blizz wants to remove old content step by step…

The irony is that nerfing these kinds of gold farms will probably hurt token sales in the long run. That’s a bottom line hit for Blizzard.

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That would basically remove a huge chunk of Blizzards beloved “Played-Time™” metrics.
There are lots of players who solo run old content to farm gold/mounts/pets/xmog.
Its a nice chill way of playing.

I personally wouldn’t be subbed right now if the game didn’t have old solo farmable content.


Im thinking the same… i don’t want to spend years for farming items in old content one by one… This turning of events is absolutely unpleasant!

This has been done before. Cataclysm nerfed oldworld raid boss gold values and after cataclysm world aoe respawning farms were nerfed as well. So were item prices.

While the motivation for the company may now be different. It has been done before.

Actually, we can only speculate about how the “time-played metric works” based on their actions.

The fact is that having fun, accessible old content will boost sub numbers, which is a number they don’t report and appear not to care about anymore. It appears that the time-played metric is used to validate different types of current content. If time played is not meeting goals in some type of new content, they will adjust rewards. If it’s a reflection of a serious issue, they might change mechanics in some way.

If too much time is played in old content, they will nerf or neuter it in order to force people into new content.

The numbers they actually report are aggregated across games, have changing criteria, and are impossible to interpret, even though they are made to sound good.

They chose to make 8.3 new content something they had every reason to believe many players would not accept, and doubled down with punitive measure to try to force people to get cloaks on their low ilvl alts and run visions on them with paid carries, I guess.

An awful lot of people have run out of things to do, from their own perspective. And my perspective on what I have to do is what determines whether this game is worth subscribing to, and the same for you and every other player.

Without old content, a lot of us would no longer be subbed. But they don’t seem to care about that. Their vision of the future of the game as perfection in design is all that matters, even if it ends up as a small game with a cult following.
