Legacy Raid 10 man and 25 man share a lockout

Not sure if this is at all intentional, just did 10 man Onyxia and wen out, reset all and switched to 25 man mode and it’s still ‘done’ for the week for me. This is a pretty serious issue for mog/mount farming on super old content

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This is not a tech support issue. You’ll want to discuss this over in #community:general-discussion.

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If a feature is not working as intended then that would be a technical issue within the game not a ‘general discussion’ issue

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If a feature is not working as intended then it’s a bug, not a technical issue. Tech support is restricted to issues like system or application crashes or networking problems.

If you believe the reported behavior is unintentional, post in Bug Reports or edit your initial post to move it there.


That makes more sense, completely forgot about that being a dedicated subforum

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This is intentional. Blizzard combined both versions (10 & 25 player lockouts) of Wrath raids into one a few years ago. This means you’ll only be able to do each raid one time per character per week, as there’s only one lockout of each raid. Also, Wrath raids now drop gear from both 10-player and 25-player versions of themselves, regardless of whichever lockout you set it at.

Hope that helps explain things!

EDIT: Actually, I’m wrong. What I’m explaining is only for Ulduar, not for every Wrath raid. So Onyxia’s Lair should still have two lockouts, regardless of what they did for Ulduar.

I’m really sorry about that!


I think you were originally right. All raids pre-SoO (except Firelands) share lockouts and are based on bosses, not difficulties (10/25 and normal/heroic), unless there are some other exceptions I don’t know about!

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That might be it right there. It’s been so long since I’ve even thought about resetting a raid after running it to its 10/25 player or normal/heroic counterpart.

But I think you’re right, since SoO brought about the introduction of the Flexible Raiding system, which ultimately led to the Mythic difficulty system. So they must have reworked the entire lockout system then to be boss-oriented, as you said. (With the exception of mythic difficulty, which has its own lockout I think.)


The big problem with this is that for a number of these raids there are different drops based on dificulty (like Onyxia’s where 25 can drop a mount but I don’t thing 10 man does, as well as different mog options)

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Yep, that’s the inconvenience you experience being a collector. Not sure why this is in bug report, but it should be in #community:general-discussion.

Yes, but they aren’t supposed to share a cooldown as stated by some of the other posters, meaning, a feature is not working as intended, ergo, it’s a bug

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I’m afraid someone has shared misinformation with you. The sharing of the lockouts is intended (I believe anything Siege of Orgrimmar or older). You can find threads going back to 2018 discussing this, and probably even older threads if the forums hadn’t migrated.

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They did this in Cata when they made it that 10 and 25 man rewarded the same gear and quality. For wrath raids however this meant that you can only do 1 difficulty & player limit per week per character. So if you do 10 man ICC (normal or heroic), you cannot do 25 man ICC and you cannot do the other difficulty setting (so if you fully clear heroic 10 man, you cannot go back and do 10 man normal on that character). You can however swap between normal and heroic on that player limit setting by going outside the raid and swapping (you used to be able to do it inside the raid but people were exploiting a bug this way).

It is based on the instance ID lockout. The same lockout system Mythic raids use. However LFR is separate from this. So you can do LFR Dragon Soul then either normal or heroic DS (for Cata and MoP raids excluding SoO, it is better to do them on 25 man. You get more loot that way).

They are sadly. Those posters have been misinformed.

However there is some good news (kinda). For Onyxia’s lair, the gear from 10 man is the same visually as 25 man. So you can just do 25 man. The “new” lockout rules for wrath raids has been a thing since Cata and Blizzard continuously refuses to change it.

It’s the same in Pandaria. I tried switching from 10 to 25, won’t let me. @ Terrace of Endless Spring.