Legacy Loot Coming to Legion Instances

I am excited to finish my Sylvanas transmog set and to get all the Nighthold sets. Great news.

Will mage tower also be unlocked please?

Could you nerf the raids as well? It is still really difficult to solo some of the bosses in ToS and Antorus on mythic difficulty.

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Should have been done months ago, tbh. But, at least it’s finally happening. It was getting annoying to get any gear from Legion stuff. Especially since the majority of things that drop are freaking artifact.

SO just loot, but not the actual buff?

You think that’s going to stop? If anything you’ll have a greater chance to get the artifact pieces since the pool will be all available.

(stop after about 0:37 just couldn’t find a shorter version)

now If you’ll excuse me I must run off and scream for joy…

Oh, I know. But now that it has a guarantee’d amount of gear that will drop, at least it won’t be as brutal when you farm it over and over and get nothing, only to finally get one thing and it be artifact.

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no it will not

Thank you for this change and I will be there!

This change was about fun!

Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Start doing this at a reasonable time every time and you’ll see improvements in retention, play time, and customer enthusiasm.


We’ll see. If coronavirus keeps them inside where they have to actually play their own Shadowlands Alpha build we might see something great.



This isn’t one of Blizzard’s famous April Fool’s jokes, is it? :grimacing:


That fight will get a heavy nerf as soon as Shadowlands releases and Legion content falls under the legacy buff rules. The end boss of a mythic raid being difficult to kill even the expansion afterwords isn’t exactly problematic. It is a mythic raid, after all. Mechanics matter at least as much as raw HP and DPS in many mythic encounters.

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THANK YOU! There are transmogs I want from those instances and as it is now hardly anything drops for me in there. All of my 120s can solo anything that doesn’t have prohibitive mechanics. It was frustrating to only get a little gold from many of these bosses.

(wiggles with gnomish glee and gives Kaivax a cookie)


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Are you guys going to tweak Aggrimar so he doesn’t knock players off?

Lol. It took me AGES to get my shaman shoulders.

A little too late :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re doing it as a Hunter, just sic your pet on him. Pets won’t get knocked back. The only problem is keeping aggro on your pet since Growl doesn’t work.