Legacy Kil'Jaeden Players?

Any legacy players on Kil’jaeden still?

Requiem guild still around? Ruinous?

Darkdk? Shaduuken? Divine?

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That would be amazing!

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I asked about Ruinous since I remember that amazing PVP vendor invasion and they came in by the hundreds… haha. Last I checked, I was told Ruinous realm hopped and went Horde. I started back up recently and apparently KJ is a “medium” populated server instead of high.

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Hi Katalinamoon!

Good to see you are still alive and kicking, and that the SWBRB tag is still around.


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I’m still here… didn’t really stand out much though so I wouldn’t expect anyone to remember me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hehe ty :slight_smile:

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I was in GOA back in WOD

Im still here =)

Still around occasionally.

Water thunder fire (alliance) back in vanilla rogue was Jala

Garbage rogue is garbage :slight_smile:

What era of Requiem are you looking for? i was with them since BC-Wrath when the guild died
Obor was the GM

I will always remember the #1 guild flying hellfish followed by #2 south of heaven. Still remember when FHF used that ZG plague bug and killed everyone in Ogrimmar.

This post was just brought to my attention. I am still “around”! Miss the old KJ days.

YOOO I ran in Requiem on KJ with Obor as G Lead through all of BC and into Wrath before it died. I am Superbutts/Superbuttz. I remember playing with folks like ndocs a mage I believe, Pryncess, a Resto Druid, Lighttaker, a Warlock and GOOOONFAAAAA a holy paladin. I also played with Brady the Rogue and we are back in TWW on Thrall server!

YOO who were you in Requiem? Superbuttz checking in.

Still a few Gingers lurking around these days to

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SWBRB was the best gaming time of my life. Huge shout out to Kelog for creating the family.

Miss you guys

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Fear the bunny! So many fun memories from SWBRB days
!!! Just got back into the game and it’s lonely AF now. Lol