Any legacy players on Kil’jaeden still?
Requiem guild still around? Ruinous?
Darkdk? Shaduuken? Divine?
Any legacy players on Kil’jaeden still?
Requiem guild still around? Ruinous?
Darkdk? Shaduuken? Divine?
That would be amazing!
I asked about Ruinous since I remember that amazing PVP vendor invasion and they came in by the hundreds… haha. Last I checked, I was told Ruinous realm hopped and went Horde. I started back up recently and apparently KJ is a “medium” populated server instead of high.
Hi Katalinamoon!
Good to see you are still alive and kicking, and that the SWBRB tag is still around.
I’m still here… didn’t really stand out much though so I wouldn’t expect anyone to remember me
Hehe ty
I was in GOA back in WOD
Im still here =)
Still around occasionally.
Water thunder fire (alliance) back in vanilla rogue was Jala
Garbage rogue is garbage
What era of Requiem are you looking for? i was with them since BC-Wrath when the guild died
Obor was the GM
I will always remember the #1 guild flying hellfish followed by #2 south of heaven. Still remember when FHF used that ZG plague bug and killed everyone in Ogrimmar.
This post was just brought to my attention. I am still “around”! Miss the old KJ days.
YOOO I ran in Requiem on KJ with Obor as G Lead through all of BC and into Wrath before it died. I am Superbutts/Superbuttz. I remember playing with folks like ndocs a mage I believe, Pryncess, a Resto Druid, Lighttaker, a Warlock and GOOOONFAAAAA a holy paladin. I also played with Brady the Rogue and we are back in TWW on Thrall server!
YOO who were you in Requiem? Superbuttz checking in.
Still a few Gingers lurking around these days to
SWBRB was the best gaming time of my life. Huge shout out to Kelog for creating the family.
Miss you guys
Fear the bunny! So many fun memories from SWBRB days
!!! Just got back into the game and it’s lonely AF now. Lol