heck yeah dude!..mileawaaaaaaaaay meleeeee junkinssssssz

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Yeah lol did you watch it?

I’m just watching it for the first time today and I don’t think half the people using it in their argument realize Perplexity isn’t arguing that it’s not working right but that it should be tuned down.


its a ridiculous distance. and yes, perplexity is making the case that in todays environment there is no need for it. it needs to be tuned without a doubt, yes. they are laughing because its pretty dang crazy, man. plz fix dat blizz.

pretty please, with a 6 month sub on top???

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So make any melee Tauren is what I’m getting here.

yes tauren shammy…and then windfury proc from across the screen and wipeout your enemy THRALL STYLE BABY!!!

You don’t really believe in that, obvs:

Sounds like you’re #MYchanges, not #nochanges


No changes. If its working as it did in Vanilla it should stay. Learn to adapt to it, anyone can benefit from both.


It’s fine. If the target in the video was actually moving instead of running in place, the artifact would be harder to see and much more difficult to exploit. No changes.


Leeway is implemented incorrectLee. I already have talked about this stuff.

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“anyone can benefit from it”…riiiight. melee doesnt benefit more than ranged? its all equal? is that what you are implying? because its not the case. and just because something worked as intended in 2005, doesnt mean its working as intended now. are you trying to say that melee should be able to attack at ranged distance? this is not the definition of “melee”. the mechanic needs tuning for todays environment. melee should not be hitting from 10+ yards. thats called RANGED distance my friend.

More talking about issues that arent issues and certainly wont be issues after release… And for 3 hours at that…

has it been 3 hours? im sorry dude. you can clock out now. we can pick this up in the morning when you punch in at blizzhq. i will have another slow day at the office tomorrow and we can chat then. take care.

I found a video describing what is going on with leeway in-game and in the forums.

Youtube search -> Tenacious D Lee (3min 13s version)

Prepare to have your mind blown!!:rofl::rofl::popcorn::popcorn:

You mean you are getting upset over part of the game that is authentic to vanilla. Go figure.

Stop whining. Taurens had reach like that on vanilla to. It’s authentic to the game.

Sounds like someone never played vanilla m



What do you mean?

Aside from melee leeway there is also spell leeway.

The biggest difference between the two?

Melee requires both you and your target to be moving.

Spell only requires you to be moving.

So a Mage for example,can jump in place and get added range on AE and Frost Nova

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lmao that’s so stupid

It is what is is what it is.

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Honestly I think anyone who likes PvP and doesn’t play melee is going to unsub if that stays in the game. I’m not putting up with that BS as a caster that is for sure.

So it will be up to Blizz. They got me back and I resubbed but I doubt I will stay if something so broken impacts my enjoyment.


Which one are you? Chicken Little, Henny Penny, or Foxy Loxie?

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Realist Bob who is a grown up and doesn’t waste time on broken things.

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