Leeway update

Why not? That’s literally the Law of Unintended Consequences.

They did something, thinking it would not be used in the way it became used, so they changed it. Literally cause and effect. Someone exploited a weakness in their security model. They improved their security model and that exploit was prevented.

Its not that hard a concept.

But it was not just an anticipable consequence but it was THE anticipable consequence.
Calling that “unintended” is more than far-fetched.

It wasn’t far fetched in 2004, because it had never been attempted by an MMO before.

Leeway existed because of latency. If that is not an issue now as it was then, why would you leave it as it was then? leaving it as it was then will create an exploit in today’s environment. People abusing leeway to gain unfair advantage over others will happen because they do not have the latency issues as before. this turns into an exploit for melee. this is not good gameplay. someone please wake up the developers.

Some things don’t have to be attempted to foresee their consequences.

Here we really are back to the example from above.

Hmmm, history is great. And Blizzard, with their knowledge of history, has kept the bug and exploit fixes in rather than going through all those problems again.

That’s a Petitio Principii. You cannot say it’s an exploit fix because it’s now changed by Blizzard for WoW: Classic.
That has yet to be proven.

We have 13 years of it being “proven”. They are using “proven” technology to ensure they don’t reopen the same exploit.

Its in no way begging the question. There is no assumption here. We have 13 years of successful evidence.

For a person who completely avoids the topic at hand you seem so sure of your stance.

You know exactly what he is talking about, even with him beating around the bush. Yet you avoid the topic entirely and bring in your own ‘benedictions’ of falsehood.

Yes. He’s trying to justify rebalancing classes, by saying the Modern API is a change.

Since I already answered that directly dozens of posts ago, I’m now having fun shooting down his attempts to resurrect the argument.

We have 13 years of a part of intended game design not being continued in the following expansions.
So is every intended game design an exploit that has not been continued after vanilla?

So back to Leeway…was it continued after Vanilla?

No. If you want to talk Fallacies, you’re strawmanning.

Yes, actually, for a number of expansions, until ping’s improved and it wasn’t necessary.

I’m not strawmanning…I’m abstracting to a higher principle. So if you disagree on the higher principle I ask what the differentia specifica is that makes “routines” an exploit while other intended parts of gameplay that were not continued after vanilla are not.

Ok how about this:

From 2016 on the RETAIL client.

At that time, Leeway is still included in the game.

Botting allows players to farm gold and sell gold on the market as 3rd party dealers, it also allows for leveling services through bots. Are you for or against botting? (which is against the ToS)

Just to quote myself from another thread on the topic of “botting” and what is allowed and what is not… (TL;DR: I am against gameplay automating botting)

  1. Every script/macro/addon that runs the full I-P-O (Input-Process-Output) model for a specific task without player interaction is a robot (short form “bot”) by definition.

An example of what does NOT fall under these criterias is the calculator for math, because the player does the input himself and triggers the output with “=”. Only the process is done by the machine.

But everything that might read out combat log information…(without player interaction) +PLUS+ Processes this information by it’s programming (without player interaction) +PLUS+ Shows the result of that act (without player interaction) - that’s the whole I-P-O model without player interaction btw. - is a robot (“bot”).

It doesn’t matter if it existed in vanilla or not. It is a bot.

  1. Ok, now to the next step…what makes a robot (“bot”) bad in videogames? Simple answer: A bot is bad in videogames exactly when it takes over gameplay tasks.

  2. Last step before conclusion: What are gameplay tasks of a videogame?
    a. Physical Input (pressing keys)
    b. Mental Reflection (finding solutions of “what to do” in certain situations etc.)

The “b” includes: “finding your way to the quest item” and also stuff like “what button should I use right now”

So it maybe is impossible to prohibit players from looking into third party quest guides where to find a quest item. But it’s absolutely a mistake to allow such functionalities ingame through it’s own API.

And addons/macros, that focus on stuff of “b” are even worse than physical “farm bots” that are just running “lower tasks” because those “mental bots” participate in endgame content.

And yes…following this addons like Deadly Boss Mods are bots. One just could replace the name by “Deadly Bots Mods” cause it is a bot deadly for a lot of work of the developers of the boss tactics etc.

Edit: Currently: mental bots are allowed. So, yes: There are bots that are allowed. Also chat bots are allowed. They execute key presses of the chat. That is allowed.

“Z”: That leads to the following: Every option to “bot” via API possibilities is not considered “botting” as an offence of the ToS.

“Routines” were intended API possibilities in vanilla. Therefore “in vanilla” they were not “botting against the ToS” - if the principle “Z” above is correct.

:man_facepalming: I’m done. You don’t listen, and you literally misrepresent every piece of technical information you provide.

Yup ants everywhere.

Think about it like this.
2 ppl at 0 ms start running at the same time in the same direction and starting from the same spot. They would be moving in unison and get to the destination at the same time.

Now same thing but with 1 person with 0 ms and the other with high ping. The person with 0 ms would get to the destination first.

Hence why leeway was ping based.
Why would you need an extra (leeway) 2.66yrds in a 1v1 with 2ppl who have 0ms… it doesn’t make sense.

The only times I was able to attack ppl that seemed further away is if I was lagging or had high ping or if they were lagging or had high ping (just high ping situations). Simple to understand rly.

No. That’s wrong.

Assuming one person has high ping either:

  1. They press the go button at the same time, but the server hears about the 0ms one first, and the high one 300ms later, meaning that the low ping is 300ms ahead and arrives 300ms ahead. To the high latency person, they still appear to arrive at the same time though.


  1. The server receives the go press at the same time, and the 300ms one thinks they’re ahead, because the other person appears 300ms behind, but in reality they arrive at the same time.

Leeway is all about how someone else appears to the person with high latency. It’s designed to let you hit someone from further away, because on your screen they appear to be still in range.