Leeway and Layering

I come to the forum to read the forum, not to be redirected to youtube. Not remotely nitpicking. If you cannot be bothered to actually explain what this sudden new buzzword means, then I am not very motivated to care about your cause.

it is in no way a buzzword. it’s been used in many aspects of english for tolerance, stop being purposefully obtuse. Furthermore, you are nitpicking, you haven’t given any feedback on leeway or layering, which is the basis of this thread. Instead, you’ve done nothing but bicker about a term you don’t know or understand.

Considering you’ve put zero effort into explaining it beyond redirecting forum readers to youtube? That is not surprising.

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I don’t believe leeway was a mechanic that existed in Vanilla. At least it doesn’t appear so after watching a multitude of pvp and pve videos from Vanilla. They need to remove this from the game because it is undoubtedly GAME BREAKING. It basically nerfs being a caster / buffs being a melee.

Except that BL is on a 1hr respawn time on only 1 spawn per continent. EPL and Burning Steppes on the EK, and Winterspring, Silithus, and DM arena on Kalimdor. A level 35 is going to have a hard time checking all of the spawn points, some of which are close to mobs that a 35 would most likely aggro.

Also, just checked Joana’s times, 35 with no professions took around 36 hours. Trying to gather at launch is also going to involve a lot of competition, which would further slow you down.

Leeway is game breaking for ranged classes in PvP and provides a significant buff for melee in PvE/PvP. I could drop Earthbind Totem on Shaman and melee mobs from 15 yards away where they couldn’t reach me, which gave me zero downtime between pulls. This could potentially have game breaking applications in raid environments as well where tanks and melee can avoid certain mechanics entirely.

I’d also say that the current spell batching window is too large and should be crunched.

If it wasn’t in vanilla then yeah, remove it.

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