Leaving my monk behind

Those are “exceptions” for the most part, I would consider a Paladin tankier (no matter the spec) compared to a cloth wearing mage. It’s just common sense :person_shrugging:

I mean hpally is still known for there exceptional single target healing.

Thank you for this answer. Actual positive constructive feedback. Much appreciated


Not to sound like a douche but I think it’s a “get gud” situation.

I find myself to have the same amount of deaths as my group members because of group wipes or the least # of deaths because of my group’s stupidity. Though at moments I find the skyreach talent to be a pain in the butt when I unintentionally charge into avoidable mechs.

Tbh, monk has incredible mobility and 4 defensive cds to maneuver around undodgeable mechs. Example, 1st boss RLP, I use a defensive CD when chillstorm is cast. Even in +16 tyrannical I have so many tools it makes WW monk a joke to play. I actually feel bad for rets and arms/fury warriors because they have few defensive cds and less mobility and less damage!

It’s just a matter of playing your class, i’ve seen other WW monks with +10 more ilvls than me pulling 5k less dps because they don’t time their cds correctly or utilize the tools they have.

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There have been plenty of times mage have been uber tanky

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I was trying to sugar coat it and be nice but yeah, pretty much this, the boss they died on literally has 3 mechanics.

Swapping to a different class wont solve their problems. They need to run the dungeon more and understand the mechanics or they will have the same issues - plus learning a new class/spec.

Either they ate the ritual DoT or they sat too close to purple things, or no one killed the skeleton to make a hole. Things that are meant to wipe groups, no amt of defensives or class swapping will change much if they cant do/learn the mechanics, it’s not like this is a new dungeon either lol.

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Also don’t forget Skyreach. It’s an incredibly powerful talent but can get you into a lot of trouble especially on the last boss of SBG. It has a habit of pulling you into the purple when you are trying to down an add. Standing very close to the add before using Tiger Palm will stop this, it takes practice but it’s worth it. I usually try to build chi on the boss and then not use TP on the adds at all if I’m concerned about placements (eg heavy melee group)

If you’re having trouble surviving in keys as a WW it’s going to be because of mechanics failures.

WW is one of the tankier melee specs with Dampen, Diffuse, Fort if needed along with passive Avoidance. It isn’t on Rogue level of tankiness but you should have a defensive available for every dangerous mechanic which is better than most other melee.

In SBG specifically, if you mess up mechanics on 1st, 3rd or 4th boss you will die. If you get clipped by any ability on the last boss you will die. If you don’t press a defensive for the alternate phase on 3rd boss you might die and if you don’t properly manage the Dark Eclipse mechanic on the first boss you will die. Using a defensive for Whispers helps a lot there too.

I’d focus on learning the mechanics as best you can before looking for another spec because failing the same mechanics will kill you on a Fury Warrior just as easily as a WW Monk.


I would say fury warrior is infinitily easier to dps with than a ww for sure

Yeah, I’ve found this to be true and it is probably why I’m going to leave my monk behind as well. WW just takes so much more effort to do “good” damage. WW feels so punishing in so many ways like any little mistake with hit combo, overcapping energy/chi, etc can really screw your dps. It’s a bummer because I really like the class fantasy of monk but the actual damage rotation just doesn’t feel good to me.

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I’m on the same boat as you. Hoping for some sort of rework

I’m more of a Healer player but WW is by far my favorite DPS spec… Too bad I don’t particularly enjoy MW though…

But back to the point… I can see if we talk about open world that you might feel tankier on a Fury warrior due to the plate armor and self sustain… But yeah in something like a Dungeon I think very few classes have as good of a kit to survive stuff as a WW…

You have Dampen Harm, Diffuse Magic, Fortifying Brew, and Touch of Karma… That’s 4 defensive CDs and you can also spec into the 20% DR after taking a medium hit… Not to mention amazing mobility that you can use to dodge stuff or reposition.

I’ll put it this way, if you don’t know what you are dying to then probably it’s less of an issue with the class and more about just learning the encounters.

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Is that why they’re called that? I always interpreted “tank healer” as “good at healing the tank” (using things like Beacon).

This is the correct reason

Skill issue

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