Leaving again SHARDING

Sorry to say I have to Quit WOW again. I was a Vanilla player who returned during MOP. I currently play on Emerald Dream RP realm. Despite having a cool RP guild to play with the recent uptick in sharding on my realm is killing it for me. Sharding overall I feel has destroyed the game. I’m tired of seeing people from other servers. Also even with sharding and cross realm it takes for ever to get dungeons and BG’s. I feel sharding has been implemented to make servers look more populated. It’s truly sad. I hope it changes in the future. Good luck everyone. Sharding kills the immersion overall. The game feels instanced and dead.


I agree. I got jumped by someone leveling an Alt in Northrend and figured I’d hop on a max level toon for some retribution but I wasn’t in the same shard as my other toon.

Its not causing me to quit, but I agree that it isn’t fun. I used to enjoy looking over my wife’s shoulder as she was questing to see where she was, getting on my character of the opposite faction and ganking her! Now, I show up and we can’t see each other!

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lol sharding has been hilarious for me. You get all these AFK people in Stormwind from all these servers with War Mode on. The guards are woefully weak so I just drop Judgement on people faces from the roof tops lol

They’re even making people disappear around mission tables and quest givers to specifically make it look emptier than it actually is.

Sharding, phasing, and CRZ needs to all be removed.

Alternative: No sharding, and let players select server to play on at login, with restrictions.
When not on your home server, you can’t trade with players from the other server, and the AH accesses your home one.
This will let players try out new servers and, if they like one enough, they can do a paid transfer. This could mean more paid transfers for Blizzard.
Also, remove the gold transfer limit. but make it slower. You transfer, can move maybe 100K initially, then the rest of your gold follows in 10K increments. If you transfer again before it’s all moved, you lose what was on the previous server (to avoid huge numbers of pending timed transfers.)