It’s weird acting like the love rocket is some kind of achievement when its rarer than mounts from actual challenging content for no logical reason
Here is my suggestion for every failed attempt one gets a bad luck token
after a certain point they can be turned in for the mount
Sure, I’ll leave it alone. If I get it, I probably wouldn’t use it anyways. Just because it’s rare doesn’t mean that I’ll like it more than my favorite mounts.
I agree. It is not hard to farm this mount just time consuming and tedious. Let folks earn it by bracelets.
It took me like 10 years to get that mount and contributed to my altoholism. Its a good change for future players.
Also its still the Love Rocket for me. 10 years of grinding it out and Love Rocket just feels better to say and remember in my head.
I hope they consider this for all sorts of rare mounts. Such as raid mounts and world boss mounts in Mop. Maybe a token system like ff14.
they dont need to make it purchasable, they just need to up the ridiculously low drop chance if anything, i plan to keep throwing my 50 characters at it every year until i get it and i will NOT be okay with some whale owning it.
Just wanted to repeat this since the thread is still going.
I have it and I would be happy for others to have it too!
Damn hit right in the feels.
what prestige from owning the brutosaur? It lets you AH in the middle of Revendreth, it doesn’t even fit through most doors.
I’m all for bringing that mount back too. Cause don’t pretend it won’t ever go for less than gold cap on the BMAH.
This would be how FFXIV does it for certain things.
Boomer Talk
That’s the best thing that current WoW state brings, a lot of players trying other games washing away bad design ideas and bring new topics to WoW Devs to improve the game in a fun way, if we’ve chores now like Torghast it’s because we allowed this kind of bad rng drop for years and instead of claiming for improvement, players started this “rarity” campaing on Dev behalf, that’s why they didn’t care about doing changes until now that every small problem seems huge and they need to change the players view.
The drop rate should definitely be increased. I think 0.5% should be the absolute minimum on any drop. 200 tries is excessive.
I have it and you not = I am entitled to my luck and you are not = I do want not share it with you and you do not deserve it.
That’s the usual mind of those people.
yes agreed. i just found out that you can make unlimited level 10s instantly log in and que up and run the boss. these people are the definition of crazy if they think they should get this mount handed to them. i will continue to slam these forums and help shut anyone down asking for this for free because that is exactly what they are asking for.
to the people that are not whining about it and are continuing to grind i honestly wish you luck dont give up. make more level 10s and get it. to the whiners get lost!
You’re just a troll literaly
You know they changed the minimum level since patch 7.3.5 to a minimum that’s max level - 10 , which actually make this farm worse compared to players that got it before this patch or even easier for players that got it when alts were not required and LFG didn’t exist, just reset instance during first years.
Everyone who gets it gets it “for free”. It’s 30 seconds of mindless button pushing in a slow group. There is zero skill involved, so congratulations on being lucky, but don’t pretend your effort is any more meaningful than anyone else who is spamming this stupid encounter.
dont confuse luck with determination something you seem to lack. i had more kills on that boss than you got playtime. you want it go get it. it will eventually drop. killing the boss 3 times and running to the forums with salty discharge flowing down your face begging for drop increases only make you look like a sad little person.
You can’t get it on level 10’s lol