But barely anyone plays som and on top of that som will be wiped and who knows if it will ever be happening again. Let those som people have their naxx 40 gear on wotlk realms, scarab lord included, who cares. Least they actually get “rewarded” playing that version of the game.
I’d personally like to keep running naxx 40 too. Been farming the sht out of it and can’t get my hands on a CA. I’ve been at it for quite a while. #feelsbad
That’s fair. Current, difficult content in SoM.
Just going to voice my support for this. I don’t think leaving it in the game harms anyone’s achievements because lets be real, rng against 40 people or spending 1k+ gold in gdkps is hardly an achievement. Let us farm them at 80 solo.
While I don’t disagree with leaving it in, it’s already been confirmed that it won’t. Brian Birmingham (on twitter) said that since the Wrath version is the same instance referencing the same things as the OG version, it becomes a little more complicated than it seems. He said the team DID consider it, at least. A google search should yield that tweet, if you want the full answer that probably makes more sense.
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