Leatherworking/Skinning Question

Where are the highest level Leatherworking trainers and Skinning trainers?
I heard master is highest? not sure… if so, where are the master trainers for these?
Ty guys!


L* Artisan - up to 300
Then there are enchants/ items that can get you a bit higher. Like 325 I think, but nothing is needed greater than 315.

Thuwd- Org
Maris Granger - SW

So 300 is highest for LW and SKinning?
Where are the artisan trainers for both?


A variety of locations can train you up to 125 leatherworking.

Thunder Bluff has a trainer who can train you up to 225.

Ferelas has the trainer who can train you up to 300.

In addition, once you’re 225, you’re going to want to specialize. The Dragonscale Leatherworking trainer is in Badlands, the Elemental Leatherworking trainer is in Arathi Highlands, and the Tribal Leatherworking trainer is in Ferelas.

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As an enhance shaman, which would benefit me most? Tribal or Dragonscale?

also what about Skinning? You didn’t mention which trainer to use for skinning :confused:

Dragonscale for enhance shaman, definitely (or for all shaman).

I don’t think master skinning requires a special trainer, but if it does, I trained mine in TB.

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Thanks so much!! <3